
  • 释义
  • 侦察;间谍活动;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty.


  • 2、

    The Turks perform covert operations on behalf of the Shinra company, including espionage, kidnappings and assassinations.

    塔克斯(Turks)执行着神罗公司一半事务的秘密活动, 包括间谍活动, 绑架活动和暗杀活动.

  • 3、

    This espionage was intended to counteract enemy espionage.


  • 4、

    The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.


  • 5、

    The Espionage Act became a tool to stamp out dissent and radical, but never conservative, criticism.

    间谍活动法成了消除异议和激进批评的工具, 然而从未伤及保守的批评.

  • 6、

    This branch will allow the explorer to conduct espionage into enemy territories.


  • 7、

    Espionage is a capital offence in this country.


  • 8、

    He flees London for Scotland hoping to prove his innocence and uncover a German espionage ring.


  • 9、

    Apparent, compare weak China as technical capability, just be the biggest victim of network espionage battle.

    显然, 作为技术能力比较弱的中国, 才是网络谍战的最大受害者.

  • 10、

    MAX seemed to have attained the pinnacle of German espionage in World War II.


  • 11、

    They were convicted of espionage.


  • 12、

    On Tuesday, he was charged with espionage and conspiracy 16 to commit espionage.

    接着在周二, 汉森被指控犯有间谍罪和间谍同谋罪.

  • 13、

    Keith Alexander explains how the U.S. will fight espionage and crime.


  • 14、

    This is war. A Cold War. fought with information and espionage.

    这是战争, 冷战, 拼的是信息和谍报.

  • 15、

    Industry experts say similar dumpster diving is a common form of industrial espionage.


  • 16、

    Inter: dispatch of troops to its objective existence of espionage National Urban spying activities.

    间: 派遣间谍部队对其客观存在国家城市做间谍活动.

  • 17、

    Pan's story epitomizes in many ways German military espionage during World War II.

    从许多方面来看,“潘 ” 的故事是第二次世界大战期间德国军事间谍活动的缩影.

  • 18、

    Foreign espionage would do its utmost to prize out these secrets.


  • 19、

    A clever wheeze probably succeeded in neutralizing the German espionage threat.


  • 20、

    Industrial espionage or corporate espionage is espionage conducted for commercial purposes instead of national security purposes.


  • 21、

    Does this mean a wider scope of probe going on about the espionage case?


  • 22、

    Azam Azam, an Israeli citizen, was imprisoned in Egypt in 1996, accused of espionage.

    1996年, 以色列公民阿扎姆·阿扎姆在埃及受到间谍罪指控, 被判下狱.

  • 23、

    He is accused of industrial espionage.


  • 24、

    Historically, the U.S. has leery of any Chinese investments in American infrastructure companies, fearing potential espionage.

    在历史上, 美国对于中国在美国的基础设施公司的投资上总是持猜疑态度, 害怕中国从中窃密.

  • 25、

    Discrimination, sexual harassment, espionage, theft, and bribery are illegal practices in many western countries.

    歧视 、 性骚扰 、 间谍行为 、 盗窃和贿赂行为在许多西方国家中是违法的行为.

  • 26、

    Some of the commercial activities were a cover for espionage.


  • 27、

    The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage.

