Objective To observe the curative effect of with L - carnitine and erythropoietin in hemodialysis patients with anemia.
互联网Objective To observe the curative effect of with L - carnitine and erythropoietin with anemia.
互联网Objective : To study the use of erythropoietin receptor ( EPOR ) in anemia of chronic renal failure.
目的: 探讨促红细胞生成素受体 ( EPOR ) 在慢性肾功能衰竭肾性贫血中的表达及意义.
互联网Results: Show the dose, methods and effects of recombinant human erythropoietin to premature infants with anemia.
结果展示人类重组红细胞生成素在早产儿贫血中应用的剂量 、 法、作用.
互联网Objective: To determine the effect of erythropoietin ( EP ) on the proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) in vitro.
目的: 观察促红细胞生成素 ( eryrthropoietin,EP ) 对大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞 ( mesenchymalstemcells,MSCs ) 增殖和细胞周期的影响.
互联网Recently, it has been stated that erythropoietin ( EPO ) has a wide range of non - erythropoietic functions.
最近, 有人提出促红细胞生成素 ( EPO ) 具有广泛的 非 促红细胞生成的功能.
互联网The has approved a test the use of the banned synthetic hormone erythropoietin , or EPO.
互联网This invention relates to a solution preparation of recombinant human erythropoietin.
互联网Objective To find the detecting method of erythropoietin ( EPO ).
目的探索兴奋剂促红细胞生成素 ( EPO ) 的检测方法.
互联网Aim : To evaluate the erythropoietin ( EPO ) expression in posterior fossa hemangioblastomas ( HBs ) and their clinical value.
目的: 研究促红细胞生成素 ( EPO ) 在中枢神经系统血管母细胞瘤 ( HB ) 中的表达及其意义.
互联网Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of erythropoietin in prevention of prematurity anemia.
中文摘要目的探讨重组人促红细胞生成素(r-HuEPO )预防早产儿贫血的疗效.
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