Antwerp fell behind again on 51 minutes, only to snatch an 86 th - minute equaliser through Alexandre Di Gregorio.
安特卫普在51分钟时再度落后, 亚历山德.乔治瑞奥在86分钟的进球将比赛扳成平局.
互联网And this was an equaliser for our bogey side Charlton.
互联网Scoring , scoring the equaliser equalizer with less than 20 seconds to go in angery time.
——期刊摘选When Fulham an equaliser, it was by their own hand , or foot.
互联网Xabi Alonso was also on the mark when he netted the equaliser from the penalty spot.
互联网Xabi Alonso was also on the mark when he netted equaliser from the penalty spot.
互联网Gerrard also had comforting words for substitute Riise, putting the last - minute equaliser down to misfortune.
杰拉德对替补里瑟也说了令人欣慰的话, 将最后一分钟的进球归咎于运气不佳.
互联网Equaliser now remembers custom settings.
互联网Salomon Kalou got the equaliser yesterday with his fifth goal of the season.
互联网The receiver employs an equaliser to reduce the ISI in the received signal.
互联网Stunned, Celtic attempted to find the equaliser - but it was Milan who had the upper hand.
突然落后的凯尔特人如梦初醒,开始尝试扳平比分, 但这时的米兰已经完全处于上风.
互联网Good, Sousa scored an unexpected equaliser.
好, 索莎意想不到地得了个相同的分数.
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