[医学] =epidural anesthesia;
Some mothers choose to have an epidural when giving birth.
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》Conclusions 0.75 % Ropivacaine epidural anesthesia in the relatively better method in Cesarean Section.
结论 0.75%罗哌卡因硬膜外麻醉是目前临床上剖宫产术较理想的麻醉方式之一.
互联网Conclusion Single epidural anesthesia is the best method for cesarean section.
互联网Postoperative Lumbar Epidural Hematoma: Does Size Really Matter?
腰椎术后硬膜外血肿: 大小很重要 吗 ?
互联网Summary of Background Data . Asymptomatic epidural hematoma is common after lumbar surgery.
互联网The epidural space is usually identified via the lumbar approach.
互联网Objective To explore clinical effect of epidural anesthesia during labor.
互联网Bilateral epidural hematomas are accompanied by loss of consciousness at higher rates.
互联网I pethidine and then the epidural , which was bliss.
那么我可以无痛分娩了, 这真是有福气的事.
互联网Background: Epidural analgesia ( EA ) is an effective and safe method to relieve labor pain.
前言: 俗称[减痛分娩]的[硬脊膜外止痛](Epiduralanalgesia,EA ) 是一种有效且安全的产痛缓减方法.
互联网Objective : To explore the feasibility of combined spinal and epidural anesthesia in gynecologic laparoscopic surgery.
目的: 探讨腰麻联合硬膜外麻醉应用于妇科腹腔镜手术的可行性.
互联网Conclusion General anesthesia compound epidural block is superior to single general anesthesia.
互联网Conclusion: Stress response can be relieved by epidural anesthesia in patients undergoing thoracic operation.
结论: 硬膜外腔阻滞可以减轻胸部手术的应激反应.
互联网Methods : To drip the liquid from sacral hiatus to epidural.
互联网Objective : To compared the effects and security of combined spinal - epidural anesthesia ( CSEA ) and epidural anesthesia ( EA ) in total hysterectomy.
目的: 比较脊麻 - 硬膜外麻醉与硬膜外麻醉在子宫全切术中的麻醉效果及安全性.
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