electroplate 电镀;electroplating 电镀;electroplated 电镀的;environmental protection 环境保护;
The ATP content in fetal livers was lowest in Group EP, second lowest in Group E.
胎肝组织ATP含量以EP组降低最明显, E组次之.
互联网Conclusion � � EP may play a pathophysiologic role in primary premature apnea.
互联网IR spectrum analysis indicates that AMPS - EP contains epoxy groups , sulfonic acid groups and sulfonic ester groups.
红外光谱分析结果表明,改性产物AMPS-EP 含有环氧基 、 磺酸基与磺酸酯基.
互联网Results Strain rate was significantly correlated with Ep, Es, stiffness and distensibility.
结果SR与 Ep 、 Es 、 僵硬度、膨胀性均有明显的相关性.
互联网Objective: To determine the effect of erythropoietin ( EP ) on the proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) in vitro.
目的: 观察促红细胞生成素 ( eryrthropoietin,EP ) 对大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞 ( mesenchymalstemcells,MSCs ) 增殖和细胞周期的影响.
互联网EP samples making for new developed products.
互联网EP informs you about System development as well as about Search engine optimization.
互联网Abstract: The paper shows the application of Lenze EVS 9300 - EP AC servoposition controller to specified length shearing.
文摘: 介绍了伦茨EVS9300-EP交流伺服位置系统在带材定尺剪切控制中的应用.
互联网The mechanism, development, testing and field test of EP DRA are introduced.
介绍了EP系列减阻剂的作用机理 、 研制方法 、 中试生产和现场实验的概况.
互联网Methods Clinical data and endoscopic findings of 36 cases of EP were retrospectively analyzed.
互联网The electrochemical behavior of adrenaline ( EP ) on the modified electrode was investigated.
实验表明,该修饰电极对肾上腺素 ( EP ) 有明显的电催化特性.
互联网INTECH COOLANT SE 18 EP is a high performance, semi - synthetic water - soluble metalworking fluid.
EP是一种极压型半合成 水溶性 冷却加工液.
互联网Conclusion � � Ep may be a pathogenic factor of HIE.
互联网Conclusion: EP could enhance MSCs proliferation in dose - dependent manner.
结论: EP可以促进骨髓间充质干细胞增殖,并且这种影响呈剂量依赖性.
互联网You are authorized to use those files only after you purchase our EP - KING.
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