曙红(一种红色荧光染料), (尤指用于光学显微镜观察的)染色剂;
The absorption spectrum of the eosin - Y sensitized dichromated gelatin has been obtained.
互联网Furthermore , liver biopsies were visualized by hematoxylin and eosin staining.
互联网Eosin - Y is introduced into the aqueous ammonium dichromate to make a eosin - Y sensitized dichromated gelatin plate.
互联网Then histopathological change of tumor were observed by hematoxylin - eosin stain and Olympus light microscope ( ×200 ).
苏木精 - 伊红染色,Olympus光学显微镜 ( ×200 ) 下观察肿瘤组织病理学变化.
互联网The results from eosin - nigrosine staining, Hypoosmotic Swelling Test and Coomassie blue staining were highly correlated ( r 0.9981 ).
伊红 - 苯胺黑染色 、 低渗肿胀实验和考马斯亮蓝染色法检测结果高度相关 ( r0.9981 ).
互联网Familiar with tissue selection method , section, Hematoxylin Eosin ( HE ) staining, and simple microscopic examination of organs.
熟悉组织取材,包埋, 切片, 染色等常规病理组织学技术, 并能简单分析显微镜下组织结构.
互联网The results from eosin - nigrosine staining, Hypoosmotic Swelling Test and Coomassie blue staining were highly correlated ( r ≥0.9981 ).
伊红 - 苯胺黑染色 、 低渗肿胀实验和考马斯亮蓝染色法检测结果高度相关 ( r≥0.9981 ).
互联网After hematoxylin - eosin staining, the pathomorphological change of liver was observed with Germany Leika Light Microscope ( ×640 ).
经苏木精 - 伊红染色后, 采用德国产莱卡光学摄像显微镜 ( ×640 ) 观察肝脏病理形态学变化.
互联网A coronal section of a human brain is stained with hematoxylin and eosin.
互联网A microorganism cell, or histological element easily stained by eosin or other acid dyes.
嗜伊红细胞容易被''.'曙'. ''红或其它酸性染料染色的微生物、细胞或组织成分.
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