Failed to reset the enumerator during evict clean - up.
互联网Failed to reset the enumerator during evict clean - up. This issue can be resolved using Cluster Administrator.
退出过程中未能重置枚举器. 这个问题可以通过使用群集管理器解决.
互联网For example, the initializer of an enumerator must be a constant expression.
例如, 枚举成员的初始化式必须是常量表达式.
互联网It is not possible to change the value of an enumerator.
互联网Cannot access data for the desired enumerator since it is in a zombie state.
互联网Contact the developer of the application that provided this enumerator component for specific troubleshooting instructions.
互联网You can use the enumerator without detailed knowledge about the class that implements it.
互联网An enumerator value need not be unique.
互联网The managed resource enumerator cannot be created.
互联网However, some types require you to assign values to each enumerator.
但是, 某些类型要求对每个枚举数分配值.
互联网Non - type template parameters of integral or enumerator type.
整型或枚举类型的 非 类型模板参数.
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