[计] 列举;计数(enumeration的复数);
Enumerations provide an alternative method of not only defining but also grouping sets of integral constants.
互联网You can apply this attribute to assemblies, interfaces, classes, structures, delegates, enumerations, fields, methods, or properties.
可将该特性应用于程序集 、 接口 、 类 、 结构 、 委托 、 枚举 、 字段 、 方法或属性.
互联网Enumerations cannot have floating - point values.
枚举不能具有 浮点 值.
互联网For more information, see Enumerations and Name Qualification.
有关更多信息, 请参见枚举和名称限定.
互联网Structure assignment and enumerations, which had been widely available, are now officially part of the language.
互联网The namespace includes enumerations that simplify the control of serial ports.
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