This may affect your entitlement to compensation.
——《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》We will abolish student loans and restore student entitlement to housing benefit and income support.
——期刊摘选And he has already mentioned his hopes of setting up a bipartisan commission on entitlement reform.
——期刊摘选Tighter rules for benefit entitlement have knocked many people off the unemployment register.
——柯林斯例句Review of all project invoices for contractual compliance and entitlement.
——期刊摘选In both situations, the car entitlement is FREE of any import duty, excise duty or tax.
在这两种情况下, 汽车都可以减免任何进口税, 消费税与销售税.
——期刊摘选That would force them to treat spectrum as a scarce resource, not a state entitlement.
这样一来电信公司就会将频谱视为稀缺资源, 而非政府无偿给予的.
——期刊摘选Contact the Department of Social Security for advice on Social Befits entitlement.
——期刊摘选As the world's only superpower, America may look today as if global domination is an entitlement.
作为世界唯一的超级大国, 美国在今天看来似乎已经拥有了对全球的控制权.
——期刊摘选Believe too, in your entitlement to an easier life.
也要信任, 在您享用紧张生的职权上.
——期刊摘选MCCAIN: How a spending freeze on everything but defense, veteran affairs and entitlement programs.
麦凯恩: (你们觉得)冻结所有的开销,除了国防, 退伍军人事务和社会福利程序怎么样?
——期刊摘选This is giving governments a sense of entitlement, backed by an outraged electorate.
这给了政府一种理所当然之感, 而且还得到了愤怒选民的支持.
——期刊摘选Those with such talent often do, which is where that sense of entitlement comes from.
很多拥有如此才华的球员都会这么做, 这就是特权思想的根源.
——期刊摘选This, he taught later, was " entitlement without provisions "
这一点, 他后来教到, 就是 “ 没有规定的权利 ”
——期刊摘选As the world's only superpower, America may look today as if global domination an entitlement.
3作为全世界独一无二的超级强权, 今天看来彷佛美国的独霸全球乃是天经地义之事.
——期刊摘选Nozick believe the paramountcy of entitlement, and extend Rawls's primary entitlements to various entitlements.
诺齐克则认为权利至上, 将罗尔斯的基本权利扩展到各种权利.
——期刊摘选The word that comes up most often is " entitlement. "
人们常常想起的一个词是: 权力.
——期刊摘选Sensible reforms are needed to slow the unsustainable growth of entitlement spending.
——期刊摘选In Japan, Sony encourages staff to take every day of holiday entitlement.
在日本, 索尼公司鼓励员工休完所有的假期.
——期刊摘选Many have only partial entitlement to welfare benefits.
——期刊摘选Family and marital spousal right: spousal right is an entitlement that is legally enforceable.
——期刊摘选Registration, entitlement registration and encumbrance imposition.
二登记 、 权利注册及设定.
——期刊摘选SQM decided its entitlement according to company need and the supplier ability and arranged visiting timing.
——期刊摘选The Booking Entitlement is subject to the sufficient advertising time that can be provided by IEM.
——期刊摘选This radiates a strange sense of welfare entitlement for financiers.
——期刊摘选Any personal data changes should reported if they have implications on benefits entitlement at the University.
——期刊摘选Yi carries himself with a sense of entitlement, more like a clich é NBA star.
——期刊摘选So what , exactly, has disappeared? The word that comes up most often is " entitlement. "
那么, 失去的到底是什么 呢 ?人们常常想起的一个词是: 权力.
——期刊摘选All demonstrate an exaggerated sense of entitlement.
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