
  • 释义
  • 增强器;增强剂;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Both garlic and echinacea are antiviral and antibacterial and liquorice is a good immune system enhancer.


  • 2、

    Cinnamon is an excellent flavour enhancer.


  • 3、

    OBJECTIVE: Introduce the development of the eucalyptus oil as a transdermal absorption enhancer.

    目的: 介绍桉叶油透皮吸收促进剂研究进展.

  • 4、

    Its sodium salt is the food flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate ( MSG ).

    谷氨酸钠 ( 即味精 ) 广泛用作调味品.

  • 5、

    This article introduces a adaptive exercise ECG signal enhancer with manual neural network.


  • 6、

    That is, until she found LifeWave Energy Enhancer patches.

    就这样, 直到我发现了莱威公司的能量增强贴片.

  • 7、

    You can now search for the Shaquil's Speed Enhancer implant in the Contracts system.


  • 8、

    All hot dogs contain the flavour enhancer, MSG ( monosodium glutamate ) which causes headaches and allergic reactions.

    大部分汉堡都含有调味剂, 如味精 ( 会导致头痛、过敏反应等等 ).

  • 9、

    They are 4,8 ? dimethyl ? l ? nonanol, 5,9? dimethyl ? 1 ? decanol, 5,9 ? dimethyl ? 2 ? cyclopropyl ? 2 ? decanol, and 5,9? dimethyl? 1,2? decanediol, and they were evaluated as penetration enhancer toward 5? Flourouracil.

    增加5个碳原子的第三醇:5, 9-二甲基-2-环丙基 - 2 - 癸 醇;增加2个碳原子同时引入一个羟基的5, 9-二甲基-1, 2-癸二醇.

  • 10、

    Aim To test the enhancing activity and the mechanism of oleyl pyroglutamate used as transdermal enhancer.


  • 11、

    Ground construction such as cleaning waxing ! Sales: Jingang sand color flooring materials. Ground penetration enhancer.

    销售: 金刚沙彩色地坪材料. 地面渗透强化剂. 磨光机及工具等!

  • 12、

    Holding a pencil in your mouth is still worse as a smile enhancer.


  • 13、

    Objective To detect the polymorphism int he thymidylate synthase promoter enhancer region ( TSER ) in primary cancer.

    目的检测原发性胃癌、结直肠癌胸苷酸合成酶 ( TS)启动基因增强子区段(TSER ) 的多态性.

  • 14、

    AIM : To clone fibronectin ( FN ) promoter and identify its transcriptional activity combined with SV 40 enhancer.

    目的: 克隆纤维连结蛋白 ( FN ) 启动子和检测其转录活性,并初步研究增加SV40增强子对其转录活性的影响.

  • 15、

    Polka dots can also work as a great figure enhancer.

