The emerging cityscape is often dazzling, but also energy intensive and polluting.
日新月异的城市面貌常常令人眩目, 但也意味着更多的能源消耗和污染.
互联网Drying is widely used in production and lives, but common dryers are energy - intensive.
互联网As the basic industry in the national economy, the iron and steel industry is energy - intensive .
钢铁工业是国民经济的基础工业, 同时也是能源 密集型 产业.
互联网China once relied on labor and energy intensive products to increase its export.
互联网Some energy - intensive products for export no longer qualify for special taxan attempt to encourage energy efficiency.
为鼓励提高能源利用率,一些用于出口的资源 密集型 产品不再享受减免税待遇.
互联网Making hydrogen by electrolyzing water is energy intensive and can be expensive.
互联网Biological processes are the least energy - intensive and the most environmentally friendly and sustainable of the three.
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