Empowered Arcane Missiles renamed Arcane Empowerment and no longer increases mana cost.
——期刊摘选The mistake of equating empowerment with freedom must be avoided.
互联网It can be a love song or a personal song of empowerment.
互联网The benefit - cost curve is related with conditions. So, the best empowerment degree is different with firms.
收益和成本曲线与企业的情境因素有关, 因此, 最适宜的授权程度随企业而异.
互联网Empowerment will be a feeling of unity within that allows you to understand All That Is.
互联网We value this empowerment, and we will exercise our powers prudently and responsibly.
我们非常珍惜这权力, 我们会负责任地运用这权力.
互联网You can't have empowerment without first having trust.
互联网Controlling is important is employee empowerment.
互联网Psychological empowerment in turn affected job satisfaction, task performance, and organizational citizenship behavior of employees.
心理授权影响工作满意度, 工作表现, 和员工的组织公民行为.
互联网Elixir of Empowerment: Decreases the magical resistances of your spell targets by 30 for 1 hour.
减抗药剂: 1小时内,减少目标魔法抵抗30点.
互联网Research suggests that empowerment is one of the best stress - busters.
互联网If there is misalignment of structure and systems, you will not have empowerment or trust.
如果在体制和结构上有不合理的地方,就不会对员工下放权力, 也不会有信任.
互联网And if it is so essential to preserve integrity, must we sacrifice empowerment?
而如果保有廉洁操守是如此紧要的事, 我们该不该牺牲掉权力的下放 呢 ?
互联网We investigated mainjoint effects of power sharing and management control on psychological empowerment in two studies.
互联网I would never forget the empowerment I felt at that moment.
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