
  • 释义
  • 强调,加强语气,重读;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Merger boutiques , such as Lazard and Greenhill, will emphasise their stability to pick up business.


  • 2、

    It is certainly shared by those consultancies that emphasise the primacy of action over analysis.


  • 3、

    The findings do, however , emphasise how profound the relationship is between people and their gut bacteria.


  • 4、

    What does that mean? I would emphasise three criteria.

    这意味着什么? 我想强调三条标准.

  • 5、

    What do you emphasise in your training sessions?


  • 6、

    The article introduces designing principle and technics flow about water station, The emphasise is CASS technic.

    本文介绍了建筑小区污水处理站的设计原则和工艺流程, 重点介绍CASS工艺.

  • 7、

    The current accounting standards emphasise reliable information, while ignoring the relevance of financial statements.

    由于现行会计准则更多的是强调信息的客观性, 而忽视财务报告信息的相关性.

  • 8、

    But they emphasise the fragility of recovery and, in particular, the huge private sector financial surpluses.

    但他们强调,复苏仍然非常脆弱, 尤其是私人部门仍拥有庞大的财务盈余.

  • 9、

    Darwinism seemed to emphasise the darker sides of human nature, and that sat uncomfortably with socialism.

    进化论好像是强调人性的阴暗面, 与社会主义论格格不入.

  • 10、

    Courses were designed to integrate functional skills, and to emphasise international cultural and business learning.


  • 11、

    One is to emphasise how different he is from Mr Bush.


  • 12、

    Doll's report will emphasise that more re search is needed to confirm the mechanism.


  • 13、

    They also emphasise the cultivation of independent thinking.


  • 14、

    The consumer group says its findings emphasise the need for clearer nutrition labelling on food packaging.

    这家消费者杂志表示,该项发现强调应该对食品包装上的营养成分进行更加明确的标注. 生活英语知多少?

  • 15、

    Because Buddha and Jesus emphasise effort and Chuang Tzu emphasises effortlessness.


  • 16、

    It is more important to involve more countries and systems and emphasise our own form.


  • 17、

    As a man of letters, Fraser tends to emphasise rhetoric at the expense of reality.

    作为一个文人, 弗雷泽往往为了讲究修辞而舍弃真实性.

  • 18、

    But I must emphasise that Asian economies are not all the same.


  • 19、

    Traditional values emphasise conventional family life and the continuation of blood lines.


  • 20、

    The right style of swimsuit can help to hide, minimise or emphasise what you want it to.


  • 21、

    After the recent unrest in Tibet and Xinjiang, the parade tried to emphasise ethnic unity.

    最近的西藏和新疆冲突之后, 游行试图强调民族团结.

  • 22、

    Yet Mr Nugent is right to emphasise the persistence of the expansionist strand in American history.


  • 23、

    Arts leaders are being urged to emphasise the economic impact of the UK's successful cultural institutions.


  • 24、

    In the past year, Hong Kong continued to emphasise the provision of quality education.

    过去一年, 政府继续致力推动优质教育.

  • 25、

    The picture plane was mainly in dark tone to emphasise a sense of anxiety.


  • 26、

    At the NPC session , officials have continued to emphasise measures aimed at the poor.

    在全国人代会期间, 官员们继续强调采取措施帮助穷人.

  • 27、

    However, we must emphasise that machine vision, computer vision and image processing are not synonymous.

    但是我们必须强调,机器视觉, 计算机视觉和图像处理并非等同的.
