electromyogram 肌电图,肌动电流图;
Parametric Autoregressive ( AR ) model is the traditional time - domain EMG signal analyzing method.
自回归( AR ) 参数模型是传统的肌电信号时域分析方法.
互联网Electromyogram ( EMG ) is employed to help determine the control signal used to actuate the muscle cylinders.
采用了肌电图 ( EMG ) 来帮助确定用于促动肌肉圆柱的控制信号.
——期刊摘选The structure and work principle of EMG centering system aluminum strips are analyzed in the article.
互联网According to the relationship between EMG and muscle activation.
互联网Twenty - three of 29 cases examined by EAS - EMG showed spontaneous activities.
29例行EAS-EMG 检查,23例有自发电位.
互联网I guess it was surface EMG for the evaluation of tremor.
互联网Methods: The spasmodic muscles were identified by EMG, CT or MRI preoperatively.
方法 借助肌电图(EMG), CT或MRI等检查揭示参加痉挛的肌群.
互联网A scheme of EMG signal decomposition was reported no need of human supervision.
互联网All of the results of EAS - EMG were abnormal.
EAS -EMG 结果全部异常.
互联网Surface EMG ( sEMG ) signal is a complex nonlinear, non - stationary signal.
表面肌电信号 ( SurfaceEMG,sEMG ) 是一种复杂的非线性 非 平稳信号.
互联网This paper reports the clinical analysis of 340 cases of EMG examination.
互联网Results: EMG was abnormal and shows neurogenic damage in all the involved 188 muscles.
结果: 损伤神经支配的188块肌肉EMG结果均为神经原性损伤.
互联网The surface electromyogram ( EMG ) and integrated EMG ( IEMG ) during fatiguingisometrie contraction at 70 % MVC were recorded.
在维持70%MVC等长 收缩至疲劳过程中,记录股外肌表面肌电图 ( EMG ) 信号和积分肌电图 ( IEMG ) 信号.
互联网In the MND group , the positive rate for SFEMG and conventional EMG was 92.11 % and 76.32 % re - spectively ( P & lt; 0.05 ).
单纤维肌电图对MND的 检出率 ( 92.11%)大于常规肌电图(76.32%,精确概率法,P & lt; 0.05 ).
互联网In 2005, EMG signed a memorandum of understanding with the Jewish state's public Israeli Electricity Company ( IEC ).
EMG在 2005年时还曾与一家名叫以色列电力公司 ( ec ) 上市企业签署过一项谅解备忘录.
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