
  • 释义
  • 加闰日,栓塞,栓子;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Both surgery and coil embolism are options for correcting this anomaly.


  • 2、

    Coronary angiogram showed negative in 7 patients, whose pulmonary angiography displayed pulmonary embolism.

    7例冠状动脉造影阴性患者, 经肺动脉造影证实为肺栓塞.

  • 3、

    Objective To, improve the diagnosis accuracy rate of pulmonary embolism and pulmonary nfarction afer operation.


  • 4、

    Objective : To investigate the applicated value of inferior vena cana filter ( VCF ) in the deep venous thrombosis ( DVT ) and pulmonary embolism ( PE ).

    目的: 探讨腔静脉滤器 ( VenacavafilterVCF ) 在深静脉血栓 ( DeepvenousthrombosisDVT )—肺栓塞 ( PulmonaryembolismPE ) 病程中的应用价值.

  • 5、

    BackgroundAtrial fibrillation ( AF ) is a very common arrhythmia associated with atrial mechanical dysfunction and embolism.

    背景心房颤动 ( 简称房颤 ) 是临床上常见的持续性心律失常.

  • 6、

    Arterial gas embolism occurs in dysbaric pressure workers undergoing rapid decompression.


  • 7、

    In this article routine treatment and neck acupuncture were used in 95 cases with acutecerebral embolism.


  • 8、

    Pulmonary embolism ( PE ) is one of the common clinical pathological syndromes.

    肺 栓塞 是常见的临床病理综合征之一.

  • 9、

    Methods: There were 15 cases cerebral embolism performed thrombolytic therapy by intervention.


  • 10、

    Anticoagulation is also recommended in with intracardiac thrombus detected by imaging or evidence of systemic embolism.


  • 11、

    Method: 15 patients with subacute fat embolism syndrome were observed and nursed.


  • 12、

    He died from a pulmonary embolism.


  • 13、

    The extensive white matter petechial hemorrhages seen here are typical for fat embolism syndrome.


  • 14、

    Objective To increase the awareness of heart or brain vessels disease complicating pulmonary embolism.


  • 15、

    Acute pulmonary embolism is one of the common manifestations of hereditary protein S deficiency.


  • 16、

    Hemoptysis: tuberculosis, pulmonary embolism and primary lung cancer.

    胸痛常伴有咯血: 肺结核 、 肺栓塞、原发性肺癌.

  • 17、

    This is known as a pulmonary embolism.


  • 18、

    Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of SCT in diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism ( APE ).

    目的   评价急性肺动脉栓塞 ( APE ) 螺旋CT( SCT)的诊断价值.

  • 19、

    CTA clearly show sinus embolism in 1 case.


  • 20、

    Pulmonary thromboembolism ( PTE ) is the most common kind of pulmonary embolism obstructed by thrombus.

    栓子类型为血栓的肺栓塞称肺血栓栓塞症 ( pulmonarythromboembolism,PTE ).

  • 21、

    Purpose : To observe the curative effect of Xanthinol Nieotinate for Acute cerebral Embolism.

    目的: 观察烟酸占替诺治疗急性脑梗塞的效果.

  • 22、

    Objective To investigate the appropriate approach for early diagnosis and treatment of acute arterial embolism.


  • 23、

    Objective : To study the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of acute arterial embolism of extremities.

    目的: 探讨急性肢体动脉栓塞的诊断 、 治疗与预后.

  • 24、

    Surgery is associated with complications, such as pulmonary embolism, and some postoperative deaths occurred.


  • 25、

    Results: There was not any pulmonary embolism or serious accompanying symptom among the 10 cases.

    结果: 10例患者中无一例发生肺动脉栓塞和其他严重并发症.

  • 26、

    Objective To explore the clinical and diagnostic characters of infective endocarditis ( IE ) combined arterial embolism.

    目的探讨感染性心内膜炎 ( IE ) 合并动脉栓塞的临床特点及其诊治.

  • 27、

    Objective To summarize the clinical characteristics and imaging features of cerebral fat embolism ( CFE ).

    目的 总结脑脂肪栓塞 ( CFE ) 的临床及MRI及CT的影像特点.

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