
  • 释义
  • 表现,象征;包含,收录;使具体化;[军]组编;

  • 词义辨析
  • embody, assimilate, identify, incorporate
  • 这组词都可表示“结合”。它们之间的区别是:identify指把事实上相同或认为是相同的事物等同起来; incorporate指把相同或不相同的事物结合或融合成一个均匀一致的整体; embody指把各部分依次归并成一个有组织、有系统的结构; assimilate指使两件或两件以上的相似物融合成整体,或使一件事物同化另一件事物。
  • embody, materialize, realize
  • 这组词共同的意思是“实现”。它们的区别是:
    realize指把希望、理想、计划等变成现实; embody指使抽象的原理、观念、特点、性质等具体化; materialize强调赋予原先模糊、朦胧、不可捉摸的东西以形体,使其看得见、摸得着。例如:
    The country's constitution embodies the ideals of freedom and equality.这个国家的宪法体现了自由和平等的理想。
    The magician appeared to materialize the rabbit from thin air.魔术师看来似乎是凭空气变出那兔子的。
  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Translate English songs on the requirements to achieve high quality standards and embody the artistry.


  • 2、

    The design of digital office appliances should embody artistry the aesthetic spirit of the age.


  • 3、

    All of these embody the regularity of disciplinary construction of curriculum theory.


  • 4、

    Humans'creativity should embody in the natural protection not the natural destruction.


  • 5、

    Words embody thoughts and feelings.


  • 6、

    In the elementary school mathematics teaching how to embody?


  • 7、

    It is a embody case of haier group about the systematic execution of the agility strategy.


  • 8、

    Hemingway's characters plainly embody his own values and view of life.


  • 9、

    The latest locomotives embody many new feature.


  • 10、

    It embody concretely in aesthetics creatureThe paper discuss it from cast, suggestion and action three sides.

    关于这一特征在审美创造中的具体体现,本文则从投射性 、 暗示性、动态性等关键点上着重把握.

  • 11、

    These products embody the harmonious combination of decorative, plastic art with traditional culture of Vietnam.

    这些产品体现了和谐结合的装饰, 塑料艺术与传统文化的越南.

  • 12、

    Let us intend to embody unity and forgiveness.


  • 13、

    As the middle school student, what respect does patriotism spirit embody in?

    作为中学生, 爱国主义精神体现在什么方面?

  • 14、

    The latest locomotives embody many new features.


  • 15、

    If we want the world to embody our shared valuess, then we must assume a shared responsibility.

    如果我们想把我们共有的价值观赋予这个世界, 我们必须共同承担起这个责任.

  • 16、

    This fierce contrast in thoughts can more embody new ideas and vigor.


  • 17、

    Horizontal Bias Combustion PC burners and Radial Bias Combustion swirl PC burners embody the theory.


  • 18、

    In the ability to member's management respect, can embody the strength of a website abundantly.

    在对会员管理方面的能力, 能充分的体现出一个网站实力.

  • 19、

    The intelligence electric motor car it is one among them to embody.


  • 20、

    The space seeks to physically embody the organic architecture of Symbian's smartphone operating system.


  • 21、

    " The architect must embody some higher principles than those defined by society at large. "

    建筑师必须实践比社会大众要求更高的原则 〉.

  • 22、

    The experiment of ten scientist is embody in the report.


  • 23、

    Its constitution, actualization and management embody the decision and volition of government.

    它的制定 、 实施和管理体现着政府对发展科技事业的决心和意志.

  • 24、

    Any incomes policy must embody the attributes of fairness and flexibility.

