The fears have prompted several countries to embark on massive armament plans.
——柯林斯例句Bob ordered brigade HQ to embark.
柯林斯例句Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers.
柯林斯例句Passengers with cargo must embark first.
——《简明英汉词典》If I had eyes, how happily would I embark upon so fascinating a study!
如果我有眼睛, 我会多么幸福地从事如此迷人的研究!
互联网Now, some of us will soon embark on jobs, and some would continue on further education.
如今, 我们当中有些人即将走上工作岗位, 也有些人将跟我一样继续走在求学的道路.
——期刊摘选Initially I to embark on this joint venture business at moderate rate and a safe scale.
——期刊摘选Should I embark on the great search for my soul mate kiss my single days goodbyeqforever?
我应该赎回我的自由么?我应该踏上寻找心灵伴侣的旅程、向单身的时光挥别 么 ?
——期刊摘选Ready to embark on a fun, innovative project.
——期刊摘选We can steer ourselves through failures and embark on the road to success.
——期刊摘选For embark on them , the fortysomething sexual relationship is often a way of reclaiming their youth.
——期刊摘选Or the couple may embark on a whole new enterprise together as equals.
——期刊摘选Whatever made him embark on such a vicious scheme? He'll be ruined.
究竟是什么东西使他策划这么一个恶毒的计谋? 他要毁了自己的.
——期刊摘选With your permission, I will embark on the project as soon as possible.
(如果你答应的话, 我将尽快展开这项计划. )
——期刊摘选These two Americans were about to embark on high profile , high stakes , big money quests.
——期刊摘选Some forethought and preparation is necessary before you embark on the project.
——《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》Others embark on a search for sacred sexuality after years of meditation in some Eastern tradition.
——期刊摘选There, the child must wait until several cubes are ready to embark on a quest together.
在那里, 幼仔得等待有足够多的同伴们准备好,才能一起开始.
——期刊摘选The international team will soon embark on an expedition to explore the South Pole.
——期刊摘选When we embark on any task, it is important that we start well.
当我们从事任何工作时, 好的开始是很重要的.
——期刊摘选Too often I see people bite their tongue and refuse to embark on healthy disagreement.
——期刊摘选He is about to embark on a new business venture.
——《简明英汉词典》" Let us embark on the first ship tomorrow, before dawn can tell of our elopement! "
让我们登上明天的第一艘船, 别让黎明泄露我们私奔的秘密!
——期刊摘选Would you tell me where we embark ( get on ) the ship?
——期刊摘选At the same time, other split forces embark upon a political venture.
与此同时,疆独 、 藏独亦粉墨登场.
——期刊摘选Then, asks you to joyfully to embark.
那麽, 就请你向快乐出发吧.
——期刊摘选The sea that calls all things unto her calls me, and I must embark.
召唤一切的大海,正在召唤我, 我必须上船启航了.
——期刊摘选And once outside in the fresh air, there are plenty of activities to embark upon.
只要置身室外清新的空气中, 就可以从事各种各样的活动.
——期刊摘选Armedthe right tools and materials, newlyweds gaily embark the task of decorating their own homes.
新婚夫妇备好合适的工具和材料, 喜气洋洋地开始布置新房.
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