
  • 释义
  • (存在于结缔组织中的)弹性蛋白;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Main compositions: Iris extract , Unique factor, Arnica extract, Anthemis Ramulus et Uncus Uncariae gambir, Natural elastin.

    主要成份: 鹫尾花提取液、钩藤棕儿茶 、 山金车花 、 特制因子、春黄菊、弹力蛋白.

  • 2、

    Main ingredients: olive, elastin, molding resin, plant amylose and silk protein hydrolysate.

    主要成份: 橄榄 、 弹力素 、 定型树脂 、 植物多糖、水解丝蛋白.

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    They have a yellowish color owing to the accumulation of elastin in the media.


  • 4、

    In fact, Elastin is as important as Collagen because sagging skin also affects your outlook.

    其实, 弹性蛋白也相当重要,因为对抗衰老除了要解决皱纹外,皮肤松弛问题亦不可忽略.

  • 5、

    With Vitamin E, Collage & Elastin, and Shea Butter.

    维生素E, 拼贴 和 弹性蛋白, 和牛油果油.

  • 6、

    Main ingredients: gingko essence, fibrin, natural plant cation, vitamin B 5, elastin and etc.

    主要成分: 银杏精华 、 纤维蛋白 、 天然植物阳离子 、 维他命原B5 、 弹力素等.

  • 7、

    Main ingredients: camellia powder, Avocado, heronsbill, aloe essence, elastin, rose oil and etc.

    主要成分: 山茶花粉 、 牛油果 、 太阳花 、 芦荟精华油 、 弹力素 、 玫瑰油等.

  • 8、

    Indeed, lung specimens from patients with panlobular emphysema have a significantly decreased elastin content.

    事实上, 全肺泡性肺气肿患者的肺组织标本的弹力蛋白含量明显减少.

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    But there are not many products in the market place that can really help enhancing Elastin.


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    Lines and wrinkles seem to evaporate, replaced by plump, vibrant skin alive with collagen and elastin.

    岁月痕迹和皱纹像蒸发般无影无踪, 取而代之的是其蕴含的胶原弹力蛋白使得肌肤细致、柔滑 、 充满活力.

  • 11、

    Aloe hydrate factor and elastin extract, persistently hydrate skin and effectively smoothen fine lines.

    芦荟保湿成份及弹力蛋白精华, 长效保湿的同时,有效抚平细纹.

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    Skin should contain elastin as well as collagen.


  • 13、

    Skin cells should receive a stimulus that causes them to keep making both collagen and elastin.


  • 14、

    An assay of desmosine ( DES ) in elastin hydrolysate was performed by HPLC.

    用 高效液相色谱 技术对弹性蛋白水解液中锁链素进行了测定.

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    The polypepticle chains in elastin are present in a random arrangement.


  • 16、

    Ingerdients: Aloe Barbadensis, Witch hazel, Hydrolyzed Elastin, Glycerin, Fruit Extract, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Collagen Amino Acids.

    主要成分: 有机吉拉索芦荟, 金缕梅, 水解弹力素, 甘油, 水果精华, 人参精华, 胶原氨基酸.

  • 17、

    Ligaments contain protein elastin.


  • 18、

    Collagen and elastin provide the strength and resiliency of connective tissues such as skin and ligaments.

