
  • 释义
  • 奏效的,收效的;行之有效;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    He felt his way to effectual practice through a multitude of trials and misconceptions.


    英汉非文学 - 历史
  • 2、

    The result shows: Its mark is believable, effectual.

    结果表明: 其分数是可信的 、 有效的.

  • 3、

    Physical compulsion or restraint was effectual, of course, while it lasted.

    当然, 体罚和管束在施行的当时还是有效的.

    ——英汉文学 - 红字
  • 4、

    About a hundred yards away on a small sand spit thein effectual pop of a carbine.


  • 5、

    They are almost as expeditious and effectual as Aladdin's lamp.


  • 6、

    Quinine is an effectual preventive for malaria.


  • 7、

    This is the only effectual way to secure our present and future happiness.


  • 8、

    His complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action.


  • 9、

    It also needs effectual in spiriting and inhibiting system inside.


  • 10、

    The practice has shown that the monitoring system is effectual.


  • 11、

    And many examples prove that the method of comprehensive fuzzy assessment is very effectual.


  • 12、

    The adoption of appropriate function is effectual for enrasing accuracy.


  • 13、

    To which there seemed no more effectual reply than to go on killing royalists.


    ——英汉非文学 - 历史
  • 14、

    The continual importations from Peru and Brazil exceed the effectual demand of those countries.


  • 15、

    Disease of skin picture mark most what is effectual cure medicaments?

    皮肤画痕症最有效果的治疗药物是 什么 ?

  • 16、

    The medicine is still effectual.


  • 17、

    Only by adopting effectual measures can human society de velop steadily and have a bright future.


  • 18、

    With Him are strength and effectual wisdom; The deceived and the deceiver are His.

    诘k有 能力和智慧; 被欺骗的与欺骗人的,都属于祂.

  • 19、

    In fact, first aid is an effectual and indispensable part of treatment towards burns.

    事实上, 急救对于烧伤是最有效和不可缺少的处理.

  • 20、

    Eg : The government hasn't worked out the effectual measures to combat unemployment.


  • 21、

    Experimental results show the optimization model, criteria and algorithm are very effectual.

    实验数据表明,其优化模型 、 准则和算法是十分有效的.

  • 22、

    The experiment results indicate that the method article is very effectual.


  • 23、

    Function : effectual efforts on cough, diarrhea, chronic or acute tonsillitis, faucitis, pneumonia, acute gastroenteri, acute diarrhea.

    用于治疗痰热咳喘, 腹痛, 以及急慢性扁桃腺炎 、 咽喉炎 、 肺炎, 急性肠胃炎, 急性菌痢见以上症状者.

  • 24、

    Test results show the segmentation scheme is effectual for head and shoulder video.


  • 25、

    Conclusions: Dysarthria was common speech disturbance , speech training was effectual remedy on spastic dy.

    目的: 对脑卒中痉挛性构音障碍患者进行言语评定和治疗,并观察其疗效.

  • 26、

    Water , believe it or not, can be a great deal more powerful and effectual fuel.

    氢的权力在水中, 现在可以再利用,即在汽车.
