excess 超过;electric eye 电眼;eve and ear 眼和耳;employee 雇员;
Our people are true experts in Spring, J 2 EE and Java.
我们的员工都是Spring, J2EE和Java的专家.
互联网This article will analyse the library management information system basing on J 2 EE.
互联网J 2 EE platform provides a cavalcade of solution for data persistence.
——期刊摘选I want'ee to go on an errand for me.
——辞典例句Ee Elf elf magic things. Pointy ears and pointy wings.
小精灵小精灵有魔法. 尖尖的耳朵和翅膀!
——期刊摘选Excellent knowledge in J 2 EE, UML, XML, software quality control is a MUST.
过硬的J2EE, UML, XML知识, 要求掌握软件质量控制过程.
互联网By appropriately cutting the effluent, EPA - EE with 90 % purity and DHA - EE with 75 % purity were obtained.
适当切割流出物馏分, EPA-EE的纯度可达90%,DHA-EE可达75%.
互联网Adjusting mode of pick up : four points support, thr ee points adjust.
光头调整方式: 四点支撑, 三点调整.
互联网Oo - ee ! Just look at the heels on her shoes.
辞典例句Up to 96 % ee was achieved with 4 - nitro - chalcone as enone substrate.
以 4- 硝基查耳酮为原料的反应,其产物可获得最高达96%ee值.
互联网I want to tell'ee what have happened.
辞典例句High enantioselectivity with an ee value up to 97 % was achieved under very mild conditions.
互联网Adopting J 2 EE platform technology, three - tiered architecture for PDM system is developed.
系统采用J2EE平台技术, 构建了该产品数据管理系统的三层体系结构.
互联网J 2 EE developers to create e - business applications has become a de facto standard.
已经成为开发商创建 电子商务 应用的事实标准.
互联网Ligand 3 b gave higher enantioselectivity ( up to 96 % ee ) and chemical yield.
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