
  • 释义
  • 边饰;缘饰;边缘;流苏;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The retail price index for September is expected to show inflation edging up to about 10.8 per cent.


  • 2、

    He is edging ahead in the opinion polls.


  • 3、

    Homemade goods are edging out imported foreign goods.


  • 4、

    She produced a white handkerchief with a blue edging.


  • 5、

    Coursing through arteries , replicating the way, edging into new sites to wreak havoc.

    这种病毒通过主干线,一路繁殖, 渐渐扩大范围造成严重破坏.

  • 6、

    Unemployment is edging up.


  • 7、

    Housing prices have been edging up since December.


  • 8、

    " I'll try to,'said Bob smiling, and edging closer to Carrie.

    “ 我会尽力而为, " 鲍勃含着笑说, 挨近嘉莉一些.

    ——英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • 9、

    But the low turnout dispelled hope that Algeria may be edging towards true democracy.


  • 10、

    He frightened her, edging so close, a seemingly hungry stranger.

    他挨得这么近, 像是一个饿极了的陌生人,把她吓了一跳.

    ——英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • 11、

    You make your skis turn by edging them and shifting your weight simultaneously.


  • 12、

    Here, Peter edging toward his deepest concern for new believers.

    在这里, 彼得逐渐表达出他对那些初信者的深切关怀.

  • 13、

    Not only are Mr Sarkozy's numbers edging down ; but also Ms Royal's seem to be reviving.

    不仅萨尔科奇的票数渐进 佳境,罗亚尔女士似乎也逐渐找回状态.

  • 14、

    Die structure characteristics and working procedure were introduced and edging process was analyzed.


  • 15、

    He had difficulty edging in a word of his own.


  • 16、

    People had crowded around the senator, but Don succeeded in edging in.

    人们都围着参议员, 但唐还是设法挤进去了.

  • 17、

    Applications: It bears processes such as polishing , engraving and bevel edging.

    应用: 可以磨边 、 刻花、磨斜边.

  • 18、

    We have the most edging facilities and able to produce products in every action and specification.


  • 19、

    Countries edging towards signing the Hague Convention include India, Russia and mainland China.

    正在向签署海牙公约靠拢的有印度 、 俄国和中国大陆.

  • 20、

    Here and there the passing crowds one might see and then, a loiterer edging interestedly near.


  • 21、

    Border: Decorative design usually edging the page or type.

    花边: 用来围绕页边或字体的装饰设计.

  • 22、

    The boat, coming in too close, jarred against the protective edging of the harbour wall.

    那只小船进港时紧靠港口的护堤沿, 发出吱吱嘎嘎的响声.

  • 23、

    Our car is edging down upon theirs.


  • 24、

    Black handle and edging create a sense of balance between natural and gorgeous.


  • 25、

    Malachi had been edging round for the door, and now he made a rush for it.

    马拉奇早就侧过身子向着门边蹭了, 这时就拔步向门口冲去.

  • 26、

    He's edging closer to the world record.


  • 27、

    I immediately thought about edging toward the exit.


  • 28、

    Meanwhile, the federal Conservatives are edging ahead of the PQ's cousin, the Bloc Qu é b é cois.

    与此同时, 联邦保守党在魁省的支持率上升,已经超过了魁人党的表亲, 魁人集团党.

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