Conclusion: The collapsible complete denture can restore the edentulous of the patient with microstomia.
结论: 折叠式上颌全口义齿可用于修复小口畸形患者的牙列缺失.
——期刊摘选Human jaws are called edentulous jaws when all teeth and to replaced by full dentures.
互联网Objective : To investigate the veracity of Gothic arch transferring centric relation position of edentulous jaws.
目的: 探讨哥特氏弓测定无牙颌正中颌位的准确性.
互联网Method: A maxillary edentulous jaw was restored by four - implants - supported fixed bridge and extracoronal resilient attachment denture.
目的: 建立上颌无牙颌种植体义齿与附着体联合修复的三维有限元模型,为其生物力学分析提供数学模型基础.
互联网Results: The deviation and stress distribution of the edentulous jaws and the base plates were obtained.
结果: 得出了七种模型的基托及无牙颌骨的位移及应力分布值.
互联网Results The scores of HAMA and HRSD are higher in edentulous patients than national norms.
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