安心( ease的名词复数 );无病无痛;(限制的)放松;容易;
(使)减轻,舒缓( ease的第三人称单数 );使安心;降低;使舒服;
This technique brings life to instruction and eases assimilation of knowledge.
柯林斯例句Centaury eases cough, bronchitis, inflammation of liver and eye.
咳嗽 、 支气管炎 、 肝脏及眼睛发炎有抑制功效.
互联网When the crisis eases and confidence returns, valuations are bound to recover.
当危机缓解、信心恢复, 市值必将反弹.
互联网Fed leads global coordinated rate cut, eases by half point.
美联储导致全球协调降息, 减轻了一半点.
互联网California poppy promotes sleep, helps one to relax, and eases mild anxiety.
加州罂粟花可促进睡眠 、 松弛神经及舒缓忧虑.
互联网The most we can offer you at present is 500 eases.
互联网The slope eases off to - wards the edge of the lake.
互联网Instinctively, my foot eases off the gas.
互联网Diluted autoblood transfusion during esophageal and gastric ca - diac cancer operation was performed in 11 eases.
互联网Cyber language not only enriches our school life but also eases the pressures of studying.
互联网So there is no for sure if it was the treatment that eases ( eased ) the depression.
互联网Rooibos helps us healthy , calms convulsion, prevents aging, improves anemia, eases diarrhea and relieves allergic symptom.
强身 、 镇定痉挛 、 防止老化 、 改善贫血 、 腹泻、过敏症状.
互联网Foot Reshaping not only eases our movements, also brings unexpected benefits to the body.
这不但令我们的行动变得轻松, 亦可以给身体带来意想不到的好处.
互联网We summarize this with the motto binary compatibility ensures migration compatibility — or, more concisely, erasure eases evolution.
我们用名词“二进制兼容保证了迁移兼容性-或者更确切的说是, 擦除简化了演化”来概括这个特性.
互联网This ability to control formats eases the interpretation of complex data adds Beesley.
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