Brachial plexus deficits with and without shoulder dystocia . [ comment ] .
臂丛赤字和无肩 难产.
互联网The most common injury is brachial plexus palsy, often caused by shoulder dystocia.
最常见的产伤是臂麻痹, 通常因肩难产引起.
互联网ObjectiveTo investigate the incidence, cause, and prevention and treatment of cephalic presentation dystocia.
目的:探讨头位难产的发病率 、 发病原因及防治.
互联网Results The incidence of cephalic presentation dystocia was 28.7 %.
互联网OBJCTIVE To find out the relationship between premature rupture of membranes and cephalic dystocia.
互联网A . The diagnosis of shoulder dystocia is made after delivery of the head.
互联网Results The rate of dystocia PROM andPROMand 20 %. There was significant difference between PROM andPROM.
互联网Conclusion PROM often indicates occurrence of dystocia and be paid more attention.
互联网Maternal diabetes increases the risk of fetal macrosomia and shoulder dystocia.
互联网Cesarean section is not a delivery mode but a measure to resolve dystocia.
互联网The rate of Prgnancy - induced hypertension syndrome, polyhydramnios, dystocia , fetal death , stillbirth, fetal macrosomia increased owing GDM.
糖尿病对妊娠的影响可使妊高征 、 羊水过多 、 难产 、 死胎、死产 、 巨大儿等发生率增加.
互联网The pregnant screamed painfully because of the dystocia.
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