Check the water tank of the dynamometer and the circulatory system of filling water.
互联网That means lower load could be utilized in hydroviscous dynamometer load testing power could be enlarged.
互联网Trunk muscle endurance, hip muscle strength ( dynamometer ) and gaIt'speed were evaluated.
测量躯干肌耐力 、 臀肌力量 ( 测力计 ) 及步行速度.
互联网The most advanced dynamometer available today for testing automatic car and light - truck transmissions.
互联网The control system of simple dynamometer is a complicated system of multi - input & multi - output coupling , time - varying nonlinear.
简易瞬态工况控制系统是一多输入 、 多输出、 紧耦合 、 非线性、时变的复杂系统.
互联网It is important to digitize the dynamometer card of pumping well in practice.
互联网Design, development, production and servicing of tea - bag packing machine, underwater strand granulator and eddy current dynamometer.
茶叶包装机, 水下切粒机,电涡流测功机的设计 、 开发 、 生产和服务.
互联网The temperature sensor , piezoelectric cutting dynamometer developed by ourselves and software compose the real - time monitoring system.
该测温传感器与我所自行研制的压电式动态切削测力仪,测试软件一起构成测温、测力在线 实时 监测系统.
互联网A new type of digital and intelligent dynamometer is introduced.
互联网The chassis dynamometer is key equipment in an automobile test line.
互联网The existing situation and developing trend of dynamic test and dynamometer technology and abroad are introduced.
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