
  • 释义
  • (人的)活力;精力,魄力;劲头;[哲]物力论,力本学;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    This diversity underlines the dynamism of our manufacturing sector.


  • 2、

    For all its dynamism, the tech world is a bastion of male wealth.

    从科技行业的所有动力来说, 它是一个男性财富的基地.

  • 3、

    Dynamism in brand value of BMW portrayed through test drive and interactive racing games.


  • 4、

    Such changes are indicators of economic dynamism.


  • 5、

    We must have a regulatory structure that recognises that dynamism and adjusts to it.


  • 6、

    Ghost towns are sad places, but also monuments to American dynamism.

    废弃城镇是令人悲伤的地方, 但也是美国物力论的纪念碑.

  • 7、

    Well, as you might expect, for all its dynamism, CGI was not a holy grail.

    就像你想象的那样, 对于所有的动态主义来说, CGI并不是一个圣盘.

  • 8、

    New generation of diesel technology: Maximum dynamism, minimum emissions.

    新一代柴油技术: 最大动力, 最小排放.

  • 9、

    It is this energetic feedback and element of anticipation that gives jazz its incredible dynamism.


  • 10、

    Many Zealanders owe their jobs and livelihood to the resilience and dynamism of the Chinese economy.


  • 11、

    These projections are speculative , however, and tendto underestimate the dynamism of the environment.

    然而这些理论仅是理论, 并且往往低估了环境自身的力量.

  • 12、

    Shanghai is an international metropolis full of vigor, dynamism and variety.

    上海是一座朝气蓬勃 、 充满活力、多姿多彩的国际化大都市.

  • 13、

    It also lacks Nigeria's entrepreneurial dynamism.


  • 14、

    Young Singaporeans seem to lack the astuteness and dynamism that they possess.


  • 15、

    The dynamism of the economy could depend in part on whether these policies are pushed through.


  • 16、

    They were all places of trades of commodities of dynamism of exchange of convergence of cultures.


  • 17、

    Third APEC should continue to increase its institutional dynamism through reform and innovation.


  • 18、

    Inspiration from avantgarde movements like Futurism and Op Art. Speed , dynamism, visual sense of velocity.

    灵感来自先锋派,诸如未来主义和欧普艺术 、 视觉化的速度感.

  • 19、

    All are testaments to China's dynamism and growth. And we welcome these signs of progress.

    这些都是中国蓬勃发展的见证. 这些进步的气象令我们感到高兴.

  • 20、

    As India enters its 64 th year since independence, its economic dynamism presents a paradox.

    随着印度迈入独立后的第64个年头, 其经济动态呈现出自相矛盾的景象.

  • 21、

    What it lacks in dynamism it makes up for in placidity and a common national identity.


  • 22、

    Housing downturns have a strong dynamism, which is not easy to break.

    房地产市场低迷有一个强大的动力机制, 打破它并非易事.

  • 23、

    Yet this figure does not do justice to the market's current dynamism.

