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Main technologies in the broadband access field include DSL access, fiber access and other access technologies.
宽带接入领域的主流技术包括DSL接入 、 光纤接入以及其他接入技术等.
互联网DSL includes data control layer ( DCL ) , data expression layer ( DEL ) and data access layer ( DAL ) .
数据服务层包括数据控制层 、 数据表示层和数据 访问层.
互联网Its DSL connection is busy downloading a block of radio telescope data to be analyzed later.
互联网ISDN , though, faces a major challenge from cable modems and DSL technologies.
然而, ISDN面临着来自有线电视Modem和DSL技术的挑战.
互联网This Recommendation describes the testing procedures for ITU Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL ) Recommendations.
本建议描述了ITU数字用户线路 ( DSL ) 建议的测试程序.
互联网Your website could even load slowly for those who are using a DSL or cable connection.
互联网Objective : To study on teratogenicity of TY DSL in mice.
目的: 地氯雷他定(TY-DSL)的致畸性研究.
互联网A special type of DSL line where the upload speed is different from the download speed.
互联网DSL . simulation mobile phone and numeric move telephone and so on.
互联网NET Entity Framework uses a DSL called conceptual schema definition language ( CSDL ) to define conceptual models.
NET实体框架使用一种称为概念架构定义语言 ( CSDL ) 的DSL来定义概念模型.
互联网With DSL there are still a lot of technical difficulties to be worked out.
互联网This white paper addresses the expectations and realities of incorporating SELT in DSL chipsets.
互联网Also illustrations of the data service presentation options using the DSL Recommendations is provided.
互联网Deployment of DSL modems is increasing throughout the world as subscribers flock to high - speed broadband access .
随着 高速宽带 业务的爆发,在世界范围内DSL调制解调器的部署都在增长.
互联网The market for DSL equipment is still in the very early stage.
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