Naked feet swished dryly across the planks in the wooden floor and the clang ceased abruptly.
——辞典例句Jou - Chia laughed dryly and said, " Oh, so that's it!
柔嘉干笑道: “ 哦, 原来是这个道理!
汉英文学 - 围城Kay said dryly, " My parents never read the Daily News. "
恺冷静他说: “ 我爸爸妈妈向来是不看《每日新闻》的. ”
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使用方法: 均匀喷于湿发或干发上,用手或梳子随意塑造理想发型.
互联网The Marquis turned round and answered dryly, " I have poor people of my own, Monseigneur. "
侯爵转过脸去,干脆回答说: “ 我的主教,我有我自己的穷人呢. ”
互联网Michael said dryly, " I'm pretty rusty but we won't talk long. "
迈克尔冷静他说: “ 西西里方言我已经荒疏得差不多了,不过没关系,我们不会谈得很久的. ”
教父部分He laughed dryly as I tried to make sense of his ramblings.
辞典例句Mr. Barkis seemed gruff and answered dryly.
辞典例句They're not likely to give you money,'he remarked dryly.
互联网I know that, he said dryly.
互联网Clemenza said dryly, " The Turk has heard about his spy Paulie Gatto. "
克莱门扎不动声色他说: “ 那个‘土耳其人’显然已经知道了他的奸细鲍里-嘎吐的下场了. ”
教父部分Tessio said just as dryly, " And now we know about Luca Brasi. "
忒希奥不动声色他说: “ 咱们现在也总算知道路加-布拉西的下落了. ”
教父部分He spoke little and dryly.
《简明英汉词典》The air slightly reveals dryly, I like very much, clean is neat.
空气略显干燥, 我很喜欢, 干净清爽.
互联网She coughed dryly, wheezing with each breath.
老妇人干咳着, 费劲地喘着每一口气.
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