
  • 释义
  • vt.


  • vi.


  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Clean: Dry clean, no bleach, no wash, cold water wash, dry by air or natural wind.

    可干洗 、 不可漂白 、 不可机洗 、 冷水洗涤 、 自然风干.

  • 2、

    How much do you charge to dry clean this sweater?


  • 3、

    She soaked up the dishes and bowled with dry clean duster after washing them.


  • 4、

    Do you want to dry clean the jacket?

    你想干洗这件上衣 吗 ?

  • 5、

    On time repair the water, return the skin dry, clean.

    及时补水, 还肌肤清爽 、 洁净.

  • 6、

    When it rang out a sterile towel dry clean water.


  • 7、

    Watch your fabrics. Stick to machine - washable materials, and pick dry - clean - only garments carefully.

    注意衣服的质地. 最好买可以机洗的衣料, 并在选择只能干洗的衣物时一定要小心谨韩国男装慎.

  • 8、

    Send it to the laundry. Don't dry clean it.

    把它送到洗衣店去吧, 别干洗.

  • 9、

    Through the analysis of actual case, the worth of dry clean application is presented.

    通过实际案例分析, 展示了干刻清洗工艺的应用价值.

  • 10、

    Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the area of the burn.


  • 11、

    Sweep up with spade, place into a dry, clean lidded container for disposal.

    用洁净铲子收集于干燥, 洁净, 有盖的容器中.

  • 12、

    Can they dry clean my suit and clean my fur coat?

    他们能不能干洗我的西服,给皮衣做清洁 呢 ?

  • 13、

    These durable slippers are dry clean only.

