vaccines diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccines 白喉;department 部门;depth 深度;deposition 沉积作用;
The estimated basic inoculation rates were 85.93 % ( BCG ) , 85.58 % ( OPV ) , 82.48 % ( DPT ) , 81.15 % ( MV ) , 77.29 % ( HBV ).
估算接种率BCG为 85.93%, OPV为 85.58%, DPT为82.48%,MV为81.15%, HBV为 77.29%.
互联网A third competitor is a technology developed by Cisco, called Dynamic Packet Transport ( DPT ).
第三个竞争对手是思科公司开发的技术, 叫做动态包传输 ( DPT ).
——期刊摘选DPT with 15 N atoms were characterized through 15 N NMR spectra and Mass spectra.
给出了有15N标记的DPT分子 的15N-NMR和MS测定结果.
互联网These charge vaccine including Japanese encephalitis , B and DPT.
这些收费的疫苗包括乙脑 、 乙肝和百白破.
互联网An improved method for the synthesis of 3,7 - dinitro - 1,3 , 5,7 - tetraazabicyclo [ 3.3.1 ] nonane ( 3, DPT ) from 1 was proposed.
改进了由亚甲基二硝胺合成3,7 - 二硝基 - 1,3, 5, 7-四氮杂 [ 3.3.1 ] 壬烷 ( DPT ) 的方法.
互联网The coverage rates of BCG, DPT , measles and polio vaccinates are 99 42 % , 99 79 %, 99 26 %, 99 21 %, respectively.
1995年“四苗”单项接种率分别为BCG99.42% 、 TOPV99.21% 、 DPT99.79% 、 MV99. 26%, “四苗”全程率98.84%.
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