将(程序,资料等)从大计算机系统输入小计算机系统,下载( download的现在分词 );
PS game compact disc mirror image BT downloading address.
互联网And remember, content is for everyone so start downloading today.
请记住, 内容为每个人都那么今天开始下载.
互联网They think that illegal downloading behavior needs tough measures to correct.
互联网A: While downloading software, the process may be interrupted because of disconnection.
互联网Or, select the directory for downloading when you synchronize for working offline.
否则, 请选择在同步脱机工作时要下载的目录.
互联网New: Dictionary Update Wizard automates downloading and installing additional spelling dictionaries.
新: 字典更新向导自动下载并安装额外的拼写字典.
互联网But there are crucial differences between downloading fiction and downloading funk.
互联网Click below to send pictures into a document instead of downloading.
互联网There is a need for a curb on downloading papers.
互联网Blocking the access to downloading music to the students.
互联网By downloading images below you agree to the conditions above.
互联网They about downloading music, playing online games and engaging in social networking.
他们热衷于下载音乐 、 玩网游和建立网络社交关系.
互联网Providing schools with charged legal access of music downloading services.
互联网Browser: Downloading & rendering of page content runs promptly.
浏览器: 下载 和 渲染页面内容运行得更加顺畅.
互联网The realization of FTP upload and FTP download, anonymous uploading and downloading.
实现的FTP上载和FTP下载, 匿名上传和下载.
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