This course features a number of downloadable readings and a selective chronology of events Augustan Rome.
互联网All the downloadable content is intended for educational purposes and - commercial use only.
所有的可以下载的内容只能用于研究和 非 商业用途.
互联网The Site Selection Report is downloadable from EPD's website.
互联网Uses downloadable video codecs, allowing you to compress and play back videos in your favorite format.
通过使用下载到的解码器, 容许压缩以及播放您喜欢的格式的影音文件.
互联网This course features a complete set of lecture notes and downloadable assignments.
互联网This course features downloadable lecture notes and assignments.
互联网For now, we take this as to have nothing to do with the extra downloadable content.
现在, 我们从这番话中还不能了解到有关可下载的附加内容的信息.
互联网Denotes a link to a downloadable file on your Web site map.
互联网This course includes a selection of downloadable lecture notes.
互联网This course features a complete set of downloadable lab assignments in the labs section.
互联网Downloadable lecture notes and sample exams are available for this course.
互联网Downloadable applications, games, pictures, animations and ring tones.
下载应用程序, 游戏, 图片, 动画和铃声.
互联网This course features links to many downloadable readings and a complete set of lecture notes.
互联网This course features a set of downloadable lecture notes.
互联网MTV has launched a music service called Urge, which has downloadable music and music videos.
MTV也推出了一项名为Urge的音乐服务, 提供音乐和音乐视频下载.
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英语网 · 零基础英语
英语网 · 英语词汇
英语网 · 日常口语
英语网 · 日常口语
英语网 · 英语口语
英语网 · 双语新闻
英语网 · 零基础英语
英语网 · 零基础英语
英语网 · 大学英语