
  • 释义
  • 炸面圈,圈饼;汽车轮胎;环状物;电子回旋加速室;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Grandmother would never eat a doughnut without first dunking it in her coffee.


  • 2、

    A toroid generated by a circle; a surface having the shape of a doughnut.

    '环'.''面,环形圆纹曲面圆圈形成的超''.'环'.''面; 具有炸面''.'圈'. ''一样形状的表面.

  • 3、

    The optimist sees the doughnut; the pessimist the hole!

    乐观者看到的是油炸圈饼, 悲观者看到的是一个窟窿!

  • 4、

    An unraised doughnut, usually twisted but also shaped into rings or oblongs.

    属于、关于或形状象环形 、 园环形.

  • 5、

    As long as you're not eating too much fat in other foods, the doughnut hole wins.

    只要你不是其他食物的脂肪摄入太多, 那吃油炸圈饼就没错.

  • 6、

    What kind of doughnut, sir?

    先生, 您的面包圈要什么风味的?

  • 7、

    Would you'care for a doughnut, hot dog or hamburger?

    您要不要炸圈饼, 热狗或汉堡包?

  • 8、

    No, I'm going to the snack bar to get a doughnut and some milk.

    不, 我要到小吃店买一个油炸圈饼和一些牛奶.

  • 9、

    I dare you to eat the that doughnut out of the garbage.


  • 10、

    Imagine, by contrast, an elastic band that passes through the hole in a doughnut.

    而相比之下, 试想一下橡皮圈若是与油炸圈饼相扣的话.

  • 11、

    Get her a doughnut. Can we get her one?

    买甜甜圈给她帮忙一下好 吗 ?

  • 12、

    The doughboy was a predecessor of the doughnut.


  • 13、

    Exploded Doughnut. Like an exploded pie chart, but can contain multiple series.

    圆环图显示各部分与整体的关系或比例, 并且可以包含多个数据系列.

  • 14、

    Each rectangle is a window that at the moment shows a realistically marbled doughnut.


  • 15、

    Dip a doughnut into his coffee.


  • 16、

    Doughnut hickey : Amercian term . See Hickey.

    白环: 美国术语.

  • 17、

    Do you keep your eye upon the doughnut, not upon the hole?

    你的眼睛就是盯着炸面圈, 而不是它中间的孔 吗 ?

  • 18、

    And while she closed with a happy Scriptural flourish , he " hooked " a doughnut.

    在她背了《圣经》中的一句妙语格言作结束语时, 汤姆 顺手牵羊 偷了一块油炸面圈.

    ——英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
  • 19、

    I'm a big soft jelly doughnut.


  • 20、

    Many developers feel EJB is like an extra layer of sugar syrup on a doughnut.


  • 21、

    Lewis was allegedly robbing a doughnut shop Wednesday when Officer Chuck Cassidy interrupted.


  • 22、

    Oh, the doughnut store.

    呃, 甜麦圈店.

  • 23、

    The doughnut was made by Dora.


  • 24、

    I would like a doughnut and also a cup of coffee.


  • 25、

    Put down that jelly doughnut and look carefully at this aorta.


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