Objective To explore the clinical feature and treatment method of the dopa responsive dystonia ( DRD ).
目的 探讨多巴反应性 肌 张力障碍的临床特点及治疗.
互联网Conclusions L dopa induced dyskinesia may disappear or be improved after PVP.
结论 苍白球腹后部切开术使异动症得到了根本的缓解或消除,从而允许左旋多巴发挥最大的功效而无严重的副作用.
互联网AIM The purpose is to synthesize 6 fluoro L DOPA ( FDOPA ).
目的:合成6氟L多巴(FDOPA ).
——期刊摘选Mothods L dopa tests were conducted in 33 cases with PD, after UPDRS rating and Webster rating.
方法 对33例PD病人, 在进行UPDRS评分和Webster评分后,作一次单剂量左旋多巴试验.
——期刊摘选Objective To introduce L dopa test into the preparation of the surgical intervention of PD.
目的 介绍左旋多巴试验在PD外科治疗中的应用价值.
——期刊摘选METHODS: Tyrosinase activity was estimated by measuring the oxidation rate of L DOPA.
方法: 酪氨酸酶多巴速率氧化法体外测定药物干预前后酪氨酸酶活性,求出酪氨酸酶抑制率.
——期刊摘选Objective To study the neurotoxicity of L dopa and its neuroprotective method.
目的 研究左旋多巴(L-dopa) 的神经毒性及其神经保护方法.
——期刊摘选Neuroblastomas are also associated with increased urinary levels of dopa, dopamine and their metabolites.
成神经细胞瘤患者尿中也出现大量的多巴 、 多巴胺以及它们的代谢物.
——辞典例句Neuroblastomas also associated with increased urinary levels of dopa, dopamine and their metabolites, particularly homovanillis acid.
成神经细胞瘤患者尿中也出现大量的多巴 、 多巴胺以及它们的代谢物, 特别是高香草酸.
——期刊摘选Conclusions Asimpleandpracticaltechniqueisprovidedfortheradiochemicalsynthesisof 6 1 8 F DOPA . Thesynthetic 6 1 8 F DOPAisallowedtobeusedtostudytheanimalandParkinson'sdiseasewithPETimaging.
结论 提供了简便实用的618FDOPA合成 方法,制备的618FDOPA可用于动物及PD患者 PET显像.
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