
  • 释义
  • 证明某事属实的证据;记录;参考资料;文献的编集,文件分类;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    This section is provided to give you the additional information regarding admin log file reference documentation.


  • 2、

    Ensure Production batch record are properly completed according to GMP documentation requirements.


  • 3、

    Documentation release to production, design changes, and configuration management.

    文档审核及发布,包括生产变更 、 设计修改 、 配置管理.

  • 4、

    Compiler parser in principle, have to with documentation of the code analysis.

    编译解析器在原则上, 必须处理的文件的代码分析.

  • 5、

    Possibly the biggest problem with documenting code has been maintaining that documentation.


  • 6、

    HITSPs next steps in 2009, which include incorporating Long Term Care Assessments and Nursing Documentation.

    地图HITSP结构,并讲授HITSPs下一步在2009年, 其中包括长期照护纳入评估与护理文件.

  • 7、

    How do I create documentation?


  • 8、

    The library documentation typically lists the header files needed for each function.


  • 9、

    As the old the documentation to explain its meaning vague.


  • 10、

    Make sure your measurements are accurate and that the leadership group sees your documentation.


  • 11、

    Processing of documentation, registration, archiving, statistics, printing, copying letters and so on.

    处理文件, 登记 、 归档 、 统计资料 、 打印 、 复印函件资料等.

  • 12、

    Documentation indicates that packaging checks are conducted regularly to ensure proper labeling, coding, sealing, etc.

    文件表明定期进行包装检查,确保适当的标贴 、 号和封口等.

  • 13、

    List classes should clearly specify in their documentation any restrictions on what elements may be added.


  • 14、

    In charge of all drawing dates, filing of drawings and related technical documentation.

    负责所有图纸的更新, 并将图纸及相关技术文件整理归档.

  • 15、

    In Chapter 3, I shall describe some of the documentation that I gathered.


  • 16、

    Documentation Support. In charge of technical documentation copy and support.

    文件支持, 负责技术文件的复印及支持.

  • 17、

    Please prepare the original documentation listed above for verification and sample photocopying, Thanks!

    以上正本文件烦请准备,并恳请允许复印样本, 谢谢!

  • 18、

    The last level of our quality system is the support documentation.


  • 19、

    Maintaining the approved suppliers list and other suppliers'management documentation.


  • 20、

    I couldn't enter the country because I didn't have all the necessary documentation.


  • 21、

    Collection classes should clearly specify in their documentation any restrictions on what elements may be added.


  • 22、

    Making references to Monty Python skits in documentation is not only allowed, it is encouraged!

    在文档中引用MontyPython典故不仅是允许的, 而且还受到鼓励!

  • 23、

    Forcible taking of lodgment without presenting proper identification documentation, or refusing to register for the lodgment.


  • 24、

    Class documentation can also be used for interfaces ( see Chapter 8 ).

    类文档亦可用于“接口”目的 ( 本书后面会详细解释 ).

  • 25、

    For more details a stored procedure can accomplish for you, see your database documentation.

    有关存储过程可完成工作的更详细信息, 请参见数据库文档.

  • 26、

    The keys to maintenance are careful planning, good documentation, and good program design.

    维护的关键是认真的计划, 完整的文档资料和优良的程序设计.

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