An asymmetric shedding dobby which can meet this demand is introduced.
互联网Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!
互联网Dobby had to punish himself sir. Dobby almost spoke ill of his family sir.
多比必须惩罚自己,先生! 多比几乎(差点)说主人家的坏话,先生!
互联网Dobby uses the Hover Charm to float a pudding above Aunt Petunia's kitchen ( CS 2 ).
多比用气垫咒使佩妮姨妈厨房里的布丁飘上半空 ( 密室 ).
互联网Harry wrestles the lamp away from Dobby.
互联网If they ever knew Dobby was.
互联网There are many factors affecting dobby speed - increasing, but mechanical vibration is the main factor.
影响多臂机车速提高的因素较多, 但机构振动是主要因素.
互联网Yoke - cam - activated dobby shedding mechanism is commonly employed for its relatively high speed and simple structure.
互联网Houndstooth jacquard dobby shirting can be the update to the dobby dot.
互联网This paper proposes the automatic design method of weave matrix for dobby fabric weaves.
互联网Contrast Dobby's thoughtful, personalised gift with Harry and Ron's last - second thought.
互联网No I haven't. That was an awful thing to say. Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!
恩,我是没见过. 这有一件可怕的事情要说. 坏多比! 坏多比!
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