Denmark 丹麦;
Beno : I think DK - H . Pala comb is hardest to fight against with Warrior - Druid comb.
Beno:我想 黑白 骑队对你们来讲是最难得.
互联网Protein serine theronine phosphatase inhibitor or cyclin dependent kinase ( CDK ) inhibitors could abolish the enhancement.
而蛋白丝氨酸苏氨酸磷酸酯酶抑制剂以及细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶 ( dk ) 制剂可阻断该凋亡敏感性增强效应.
互联网DK - relay. Miniature power relay. Nominal voltage 6 V DC . 2 form A. 2 coil latching.
不知道中继. 小型功率继电器. 额定电压6伏直流. 2表格A双线圈锁存.
互联网My design subject is DK 7132 numerical control electrical - discharge perforation molding machining tool.
互联网These are all 2 DK apartments.
互联网By comparison with DK 200 , DK 310 and DK 500, good anti - shake performance of new binder QS was found.
通过与DK200 、 DK31和DK500三种凝胶剂的比较,新型凝胶剂QS具有优良的 抗震 动性能.
互联网Beno : I think DK - H.
互联网Beno: What's your favorite thing when you come back?
Laintime: 任何有DK的队都是难得.
互联网CONCLUSION DK can protect myocardium against ischemia reperfusion injury.
互联网The WenFu railroad Guantouling tunnel DK 280 + 950 ~281 + 100 is one under crossing the highway tunnel.
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