Animal rights groups have attempted to distort the facts about animal research.
互联网The wise person observes neutrally, allowing no acrimonious feelings to distort his perceptions of truth.
智者中庸地观察着, 不让任何偏激的感觉扰乱他对真理的觉察.
——期刊摘选For the clubs, the tournament can alter their bargaining positions and distort asking prices.
对于俱乐部来说, 世界杯则是他们讨价还价漫天要价的砝码之一.
互联网These false views distort and attack the true biblical teaching God has given.
——期刊摘选A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms.
——柯林斯例句He argues that the tax regimes of OFCs and their onshore copycats distort economic decisions.
互联网Loads distort every component of the structure of the Cassegrain antenna system.
互联网Such manipulation can sometimes distort complex waveforms, obscuring identification of events.
这种作法有时会使复杂的波形畸变, 模糊了同相轴的识辨标志.
——辞典例句It will distort the signal.
——期刊摘选Exaggerated sections distort the shapes of folds as well as bed thickness.
——辞典例句If the valve is left open or partially open, it could distort and leak during operation.
如果阀门处于开启或部分开启状态, 可能会造成变形并在使用过程中产生泄漏.
——期刊摘选Next, we go to Filters > Distort > Wave and mess about to make a nice wave distortion.
——期刊摘选This caused the sound to distort.
——辞典例句Yet doing so threatens to distort competition, giving rivals fair grounds to complain.
但这样做就扭曲了公平竞争, 工党的对手们有足够理由来抨击政府了.
——期刊摘选Can't use or distort leaders'famous sayings in commercial advertisements.
——期刊摘选The process of abstraction is sometimes applied also to descriptions or theories which distort to simplify.
——期刊摘选Thus, Lenin strongly resisted any attempt to distort Marxism.
就这样, 列宁和一切歪曲马克思主义的企图进行了斗争.
——辞典例句New trajectories and searching perspectives, movements and gestures able to modify, distort and deform.
新的轨迹和可修改的透视图 、 动作和姿势, 扭曲着,变形着.
——期刊摘选Journalism that puts too high a priority on entertaining is almost destined to distort and mislead.
——期刊摘选Looking backwards with either envy or merely admiration tends to distort history.
——期刊摘选Get your facts first, and then you can distort them asas you like.
先获得事实, 然后你才能够随心所欲的扭曲误解它.
——期刊摘选King's extraordinary gift is his ability to distort picture and to make the impossible plausible.
——期刊摘选Journalists, I think, should take responsibility to report the truth, not distort it.
我认为记者应该有责任报道真相, 而非扭曲真相.
——期刊摘选Get your facts right first and then you can distort asas you please . – Mark Twain.
——期刊摘选A warpage analysis provides answers to questions as: will the moulding distort?
变形分析可以对我们的难题进行解决,如: 这个产品是否存在扭曲变形?
——期刊摘选Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
首先弄到事实, 然后你就可以随心所欲地把他们扭曲.
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