
  • 释义
  • 取代,替代;免职,停职;[船] 排水量;[化]置换;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    A transducer for lateral remote displacement measurement based on grating laser Doppler effect is introduced.


  • 2、

    Because of creep, rigidity and the axial displacement of PTFE expansion joint relate to the time.

    由于蠕变现象的存在, 承载下的PTFE膨胀节的刚度和轴向位移都与时间有关.

  • 3、

    And its axial displacement reflect the size of the motor are many anomalies.


  • 4、

    Without the fluid displacement volume provided by the foam accumulator, the closed system would be hydraulically locked.


  • 5、

    Moreover, the integrate affects of damper forces by displacement, speed, acceleration, coil current are discussed.

    并讨论位移 、 速度 、 加速度和励磁线圈电流对阻尼力的综合影响.

  • 6、

    This paper discusses the displacement measurement of antennas by means of digital close range photogrammetry.


  • 7、

    Instrument compressors with microphones, pressure transducers, inductive transducers for displacement, laser, etc.

    在压缩机上安装麦克风 、 压力传感器 、 感应式位移传感器 、 激光传感器等.

  • 8、

    Results : The RPI clasp was found to cause the smallest bone displacement.


  • 9、

    the largest displacement of civilian population since World War Two


  • 10、

    The complicated factors influencing the displacement in the model are neglected.


  • 11、

    The displacement of rail can decrease if ballastless turnout is laid on continuous frame bridge.


  • 12、

    This radiograph demonstrates a right pneumothorax. Note the displacement of the heart to the left.

    线显示右侧气胸, 可见心影左移.

  • 13、

    Police used tear gas, electric, such as forced displacement, the conflict from escalating further.

    军警用催泪弹 、 电棍等强行驱赶, 冲突进一步升级.

  • 14、

    Manual adjustment by changing the size of throttle opening to change the pump displacement.


  • 15、

    The virtual displacement is different from the real one during real motion.


  • 16、

    Displacement resolution of sub pixel is achieved.


  • 17、

    The results indicate that the effect of motor on the elastic displacement couldn't be neglected.


  • 18、

    Background: Reoperations after intertrochanteric fractures are often necessitated by fracture displacement mobilization of the patient.

    研究背景: 股骨粗隆间骨折的患者,活动后骨折移位常常不得不进行二次手术.

  • 19、

    The displacement of workers as individual firms discard them causes social hardships.


  • 20、

    The experimental results of the tester maximum displacement range, resolution maximum load could meet the requirements.

    实验结果验证了微力微位移测试仪的加载位移量程 、 分辨率、加载力等性能基本满足设计要求.

  • 21、

    The loss of an almost insignificant weight is sufficient to produce an appropriate displacement.


  • 22、

    RSW voltage signal, electrode displacement signal and electrode pressure signal contain explicit expulsion characteristic information.

    点焊电压信号 、 电极位移信号和电极压力信号包含明显的喷溅特征信息.

  • 23、

    The first one is the reconstruction of interior field from connected smooth partial surface displacement data.


  • 24、

    Perturbations of the force field will cause changes, or variations, of the displacement field.


  • 25、

    The nonlinearity between SMA wires resistance and temperature displacement control of planar bending ESMAAs inaccurate.

