驱散,赶跑( dispel的现在分词 );
Grave protrusion coal seam tunnelling hydraulic cutting protrusion - dispelling measures is a new technology in the world.
互联网Moreover, to the melanin which, the color spot forms downplayed and dispelling the effective security cosmetics.
另外, 对已形成的黑色素 、 色斑通过有效安全化妆品来淡化和祛除.
互联网Seeing Parker's country office electrical impulse for me, permanently dispelling the importance of location.
去帕克的郊区办公室让我激动, 地点不是重点.
互联网This ability counts as a 9 th - level spell ( caster level 20 th ) for the purposes of dispelling it.
驱散这个能力体现为9级法术 ( 施法者20级 ).
互联网Reading about them increases our understanding without dispelling our fears.
互联网Dispelling wind , eliminating dampness, relaxing the tendons , unblocking collateral , promoting the circulation and relieving pain.
袪风除湿 、 舒筋通络、活血 、 减轻痹痛、头痛眩晕.
互联网He succeeded in dispelling our suspicious and won our confidence.
辞典例句Question and dispelling suspicion are in the two stages of integrated thoughts in reading process.
互联网The dispelling of modern media has resulted in the weakness of poetic space of literature.
互联网Function Qufeng Tongluo, and cold - dispelling pain.
祛风通络, 散寒止痛.
互联网Red candle, pine tree and Christmas are greeting you, dispelling youth and happiness be your.
红烛 、 松树、圣辰,祝福你, 我的朋侪,青春永驻,幸福长在.
互联网A cough expectorant, Qingfei cold - dispelling the effectiveness, particularly for the elderly asthma, bronchitis patients better.
有祛痰止咳 、 清肺散寒之功效, 尤其对老年人哮喘 、 气管炎病效果更佳.
互联网Every student is a light, a creative spark, to be of use in dispelling the darkness.
每个学生都是一朵发光的, 充满创造力的火花, 在等待用作驱散黑暗.
互联网The Roswell Poor Clares offer screens of descriptive material aimed at dispelling myths about monasticism.
互联网Conclusion: The Jiaozhi Soft Capsule has apparent asthma relieving, cough dispelling and anti inflammation function.
结论: 椒枝软胶囊具有明显的平喘、镇咳、抗炎作用.
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