
  • 释义
  • 不调和;不和谐;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    ACN contamination could result in the disharmony of calcium homeostasis of liver in rats.


  • 2、

    At present, problems of disharmony is grave between consumption and environment, which should be solved carefully.

    但当前消费与环境不和谐的问题还比较突出, 应认真解决.

  • 3、

    However, it is also because of early marriage of parents, leading to disharmony of their marriage.

    不过, 也正是因为父母的早婚, 导致了他们婚后的不和谐.

  • 4、

    Vigorously promoting harmonious society, eliminating all factors of disharmony is the most urgent task.

    在大力提倡和谐社会的今天, 消除各种不和谐因素是当务之急.

  • 5、

    I must stress that I'm not trying to incite any social disharmony here.


  • 6、

    Sensing a surge of interest, other celebrity magazines have piled in with reports of marital disharmony.

    其他名人杂志发觉公众兴趣激增, 便在杂志中插入关于不和谐婚姻的报道.

  • 7、

    As one moves into harmony, those who wish to continue to live in disharmony fall away.

    当一个人移入协调中, 那些希望继续生活在不协调中的人离开.

  • 8、

    When we live a life in violation of the fundamental principles, there a disharmony.

    当我们违反原理, 就出现不和谐.

  • 9、

    Your ancestors are Chinese people at home care, the social disharmony is the first slaughter you!

    你家老祖宗都是中国老百姓养地, 社会不和谐第一宰杀就是你!

  • 10、

    Avoid the disharmony that arises from cheating.


  • 11、

    He noted the disharmony between husband and wife.


  • 12、

    For those who are ill, illness is an internal form of disharmony.

    对患病者来说, 疾病是身体形态内在的不协调.

  • 13、

    Disharmony between the Liver and Spleen causes irritability along with abdominal distension and pain.


  • 14、

    Poverty is not socialism, disharmony is not socialism either.

    贫穷不是社会主义, 不和谐也不是社会主义.

  • 15、

    France's bad luck at the World Cup should partly be attributed to disharmony inside the team.


  • 16、

    These nouns are compared as they mean a state of disagreement and disharmony.


  • 17、

    The end result is strife and disharmony.

