
  • 释义
  • 否认声明;放弃;放弃者;免责声明;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Disclaimer : All the statement of this post is consider as fictional.


  • 2、

    Disclaimer for Trial Copies: you are not paying triallicense for your Trial Copy of the Program.

    试用版不承诺: 你不需要为你的试用版程序付费.

  • 3、

    The disclaimer a statement that the federal government does not own a piece of property.


  • 4、

    Disclaimer: The code discussed in this article was written against the EA 2 JSF reference implementation.

    声明: 本文中的代码均针对EA2版本的JSF参考实现编写.

  • 5、

    We have a disclaimer saying customers have to put on a sensible level of sun block.


  • 6、

    The disclaimer asserts that the company won't be held responsible for any inaccuracies.


  • 7、

    Disclaimer: This website has been written in general terms and is intended for general sharing only.

    免责声明: 此网页只是概括地写和只是一般性分享而已.

  • 8、

    What will the report not cover? i . e. disclaimer.

    这份报告应该不包括些什么? 例如: 反对(意见? )

  • 9、

    Disclaimer: Above contents all referenced. Copyrights belong to the source websites.

    声明: 以上内容均为转载.版权归源网站所有.

  • 10、

    The Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability of this User Agreement shall survive any such termination.


  • 11、

    Disclaimer: this way of working is pretty irresponsible.

    免责声明: 这样的工作方式是极其不负责的.

  • 12、

    Disclaimer – Every effort is made to assure descriptions and prices are correct.


  • 13、

    Disclaimer: This is not intended as a solicitation to Chinese resident investors.

    免责声明: 此文件非作拉拢中国居民投资者用途.

  • 14、

    You must intact all notices that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties.


  • 15、

    Disclaimer : This material contains and refers to general information ( including opinions ) about deer velvet.

    声明 ﹕ 此份资料包含并且提及有关鹿茸的一般资讯.

  • 16、

    Disclaimer: Do not try this at home.

    严重声明: 不要在家里尝试.

  • 17、

    Disclaimer: I didn't personally verify the above information, so they may not be the truth.

    声明: 我个人没有确认和验证过上述信息, 因此他们可能不是真实的,或者不是完全真实的.

  • 18、

    Disclaimer : We do our best to insure accuracy on our listings.

    Disclaimer: 我们尽我们的最好以确保我们的列表上的准确性.

  • 19、

    Auditor's opinions are classified into four categories: unqualified opinion, qualified opinion , adverse opinion, disclaimer opinion.

    审计报告包括四种: 无保留意见的审计报告、有保留意见的审计报告 、 反对意见的审计报告 、 拒绝表示意见的审计报告.

  • 20、

    Even when a lie is presented with a disclaimer, people often later remember it as true.

    一个谎言即使当时确证为伪, 也会有人之后认为它是真话.

  • 21、

    Disclaimer: This site is open for public access.

    免责申明: 本网站对公众开放.

  • 22、

    Disclaimer: If are several groups to clean up the same site the proposed date may change.

    声明: 如果有多个团体选择同一地点进行清洁运动,拟定的日期可能需要更改.

  • 23、

    As a quick disclaimer, with all lyric writing a conscious level and a subconscious level.


  • 24、

    Disclaimer: I own shares of Apple.

    免责: 我自己股份苹果.

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