disconnect 分离;disconnection 分离;dispense 分配;distribute 分配;
I dis-covered a mutilated cassette stuffed in a waste-basket.
柯林斯例句Fo'Gawd , Ah done got nuff of dis freedom! "
天哪, 这种自由我可受够了!
——飘(部分)" Dis Miss Scarlett , ain'it?
" 这位是思嘉小姐 吗 ?
——飘(部分)He'll come tek dis ole nigger home agin.
——飘(部分)The authors discuss the technique of DIS system and implementation in a developed DIS prototype system.
阐述了综合仿真系统蓝方分系统中的DIS关键技术以及在所开发的DIS原型 系统中,有关关键技术的实现方案及解决手段.
——期刊摘选Do you believe in nuclear dis - armament?
你认为真能裁减核军备 吗 ?
辞典例句Compare the negative prefixesnon -, un -, dis - and a -.
试比较含否定意义的前缀non - 、 un - 、 dis - 、a -.
互联网You is gwine eat eve'y bite of dis . "
今番你可得给 俺 全吃下去.
飘(部分)" Ef you doan care'bout how folks talks'bout dis fainbly, Ah does,'she rumbled.
" 即使你并不在乎人们怎样谈论这个家庭,但俺还在乎呢, " 她嘟囔着.
飘(部分)He's a shallow, dis-agreeable man.
柯林斯例句He looked very dis-tinguished.
柯林斯例句High Level Architecture ( HLA ) is new generation distributing interactive simulated Architecture developed from DIS.
高层仿真框架 ( HLA ) 是从DIS发展 而来的新一代分布式交互仿真的体系结构.
互联网Dis called the domain and its elements are places.
辞典例句There are reports of widespread dis-content in the capital.
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