The food composition consisted of eight groups: diatom, protozoa, spongiaria, annelida, mollusca, crustacea, echinodermata and pisces.
其食物组成有8大类: 硅藻类 、 原生动物 、 海绵动物 、 环节动物 、 软体动物 、 甲壳动物 、 棘皮动物及鱼类.
互联网Assume that atmosphere is made of diatom ideal gas in adiabatic equilibrium.
互联网Blue algae, green algae and diatom are dominant algaes in the Dian chi lake.
蓝藻 、 绿藻和硅藻是滇池的优势藻种.
互联网The process conditions of separation and purification via diatom earth filtration and alcohol precipitation were studied.
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