
  • 释义
  • 透析,分离;断离;渗析;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis ( CAPD ) is an important form in integrated renal replace treatment.

    营养不良仍然是连续性不卧床腹膜透析 ( CAPD ) 患者治疗过程中的重要并发症.

  • 2、

    Blood passed through an albumin non permeable, high flux dialysis membrane.

    血液通过白蛋白非渗透 、 高通量透析膜流入.

  • 3、

    Uremic prutitus remains a frequent and bothersome problem in dialysis patients.


  • 4、

    Conclusion: SP is a serious complication of peritoneal dialysis with a rate of 43 %.

    结论: SP是腹膜透析的一种严重的并发症,死亡率高达43%.

  • 5、

    Background: A single detectable cardiac troponin predicts mortality in patients treated with dialysis.

    背景: 单次心肌肌钙蛋白预测透析患者的死亡率.

  • 6、

    Objective To evaluate the incidence of depress in hemodia lysis and peritoneal dialysis uremia patients.


  • 7、

    Results Using a UBM, the dialysis of ora serrata was found in all eyes.


  • 8、

    Methods Common data and dialysis regime in 41 clinically stable CAPD patients were investigated.


  • 9、

    Conclusions Nutritional management can improve nutritional status and dialysis adequacy in CAPD patients.

    结论 合理膳食是CAPD患者 的重要治疗手段,能改善CAPD效果,减少营养不良发生率,提高腹膜透析充分性.

  • 10、

    After dialysis and lyophilization , it can be detected by immunological methods.

    经过透析和冷冻干燥 、 可用免疫学方法测算.

  • 11、

    A membrane dialysis system is developed for the separation of ethanol semicontinuous fermentation of Saccharamyces cerevisiae.


  • 12、

    I was on dialysis for seven years before my first transplant.


  • 13、

    What are the different kinds of peritoneal dialysis and how do they work?


  • 14、

    Depression may result in malnutrition, noncompliance and dialysis inadequacy, etc.

    它可造成血透患者的顺应性下降、营养不良 、 透析不充分等.

  • 15、

    Objective : To study the effect of sodium profile on dialysis hypotension.

    目的: 观察可调钠血液透析在透析低血压的作用.

  • 16、

    They are now enjoying free dialysis at the government's expense, something almost unheard of in China.

    现在他们正在接受由政府提供的免费透析, 这是以前在中国从来没听说过的.

  • 17、

    Treatment modalities include drugs , diet , hemodialysis , peritoneal dialysis and renal transplantation, hemodiafiltration, plasmapheresis and hemoperfusion.

    以血液透析 、 膜透析及肾移植治疗尿毒症病人;其他特殊治疗包括血液透析过滤 、 浆分离及血液灌洗等.

  • 18、

    The days became a blur of tests, blood work and more dialysis.

    这段日子给检查化验 、 采血和更多的血液透析搅得一片模糊.

  • 19、

    Randomization to an sLPD ( diet group ) or dialysis.


  • 20、

    After dialysis, Nef protein was dissolved in PBS.

    Nef 蛋白透析后溶解于PBS缓冲液中.

  • 21、

    He has been lifesaving dialysis since 2005.


  • 22、

    How long has dialysis available?


  • 23、

    It four, stand in the dissimilarity of angle carry on the work again dialysis.

    其四, 站在不同的角度再次对作品进行透析.

  • 24、

    Peritoneal dialysis ( PD ) related infections continue to be a serious complication for PD patients.

    腹膜透析 ( PD ) 相关感染仍然是腹膜透析病人面临的一个严重并发症.
