辩证法;辩证的( dialectic的名词复数 );
Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.
——《现代汉英综合大词典》Materialistic dialectics is an important part of constituting Marxism.
互联网Its doubting and challenging, its quibbling and dialectics, often are irritating to common people.
它的疑惑和诘难, 它的诡辨和辩证, 常常是令人讨厌的.
辞典例句To combat subjectivism we must propagate materialism and dialectics.
互联网This is development through the struggle of opposites, development conforming to dialectics.
这是在对立面的斗争中的发展, 是合于辩证法的发展.
互联网Dialectics affords a broader overall view of the world.
互联网This grasps the kernel of dialectics, but it requires explanations and development.
这样就会抓住辩证法的核心, 可是这需要解释和发展.
互联网The same is true of another pair of opposites, dialectics and metaphysics.
还有两个东西, 叫做辩证法和形而上学,也是对立统一、相互斗争的.
互联网The concept of the unity of opposites, dialectics, must be widely propagated.
关于对立面的统一的观念, 关于辩证法, 需要作广泛的宣传.
互联网From " Dialectics of Nature " to'science and Technology Studies in China "
从 “ 自然辩证法 ” 到 “ 中国的科学技术学 ”
互联网Know the dialectics that the thing changes each other.
互联网Hegel's and Feuerbach's philosophy are the main theoretical root of materialistic dialectics.
互联网The unity of opposites is the fundamental concept of dialectics.
互联网In a word, we must act in accordance with dialectics.
总之, 要照辩证法办事.
互联网In Zhuang - tse's thought there is a fundamental element of dialectics.
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