The ADM and DEX scleral plugs was implanted into the ADM - DEX group.
互联网Objective : To study the counteraction of melatonin ( MT ) on the immunodepression induced by cyclophosphamide ( CY ) and dexamethasone ( DEX ).
目的: 研究褪黑素 ( melatonin,MT ) 对环磷酰胺 ( cyclophosphamide,CY ) 、地塞米松 ( dexamethasone, DEX ) 所致免疫低下的对抗作用.
互联网OBJECTIVE : To investigate the drug - loading patterns of dextran - glycidyl methacrylate BMP 2 ( BMP 2 - DEX - GMA ) gel microspheres.
目的: 探讨右旋糖酐 - 甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯载骨形态发生蛋白2 ( BMP2 -DEX-GMA ) 凝胶微球的载药形式.
互联网Phenobarbital ( PB ) and dexamethasone ( DEX ) are P 450 inducers while troleandomycin ( TAO ) can inhibit P 4503 A activity.
苯巴比妥 ( phenobarbital,PB ) 是P4502B、P4502C和 3A的强诱导剂;而地塞米松 ( dexamethasone, DEX ) 和三乙酰竹桃霉素 ( troleandomycin,TAO ) 则分别是P4503A的 强诱导剂和抑制剂.
互联网Dexamethasone ( Dex ) and indomethacin ( Ind ) also inhibited inflammatory reaction.
地塞米松 ( Dex ) 和吲哚美辛 ( Ind ) 也有类似的抗炎作用.
互联网It also remarkably enhanced SRBC - induced foodpad DTH reaction in DEX - treated mice.
MT能 明显促进SRBC所致DEX小鼠足垫DTH反应.
互联网DEX is a typical inducer of CYP 3 A 4 , by a pregnane X receptor ( PXR ) mediated mechanism.
DEX是典型的CYP3A4诱导剂,其诱导机制由 PXR 介导.
互联网Dex handed Luke to Obi - Wan and Leia to Anakin.
德克斯将卢克交给 奥比万,把莱娅给了阿纳金.
互联网Adding Dex - 40 can enhance preservation effect.
互联网Dex, Cyp and Ani markedly decreased TNF α mRNA level and TNF α immunoreactive material in rat liver.
Dex 、 Cyp或Ani均能显著降低大鼠肝脏TNFαmRNA水平和TNFα含量.
互联网E 9 significantly inhibited TNF - α in lung and heart, while DEX significantly inhibited TNF - α in heart ( all P < 0.05 ).
22E9干预可显著抑制心、肺组织TNF - α含量的升高, DEX仅能有效抑制心组织TNF - α含量 ( P均<0.05 ).
互联网RU 486 could reverse the effects of Dex.
互联网Dex said you might be in a mood.
互联网Replacing HES with DEX - 40 increases the postoperative surviving rate of isolated pernereas preserved for 72 hours.
用DEX- - --40替代HES保存胰腺72小时后,移植后存活率高于UW液组.
互联网Throwing daggers now use DEX for damage.
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