
  • 释义
  • 破坏;毁灭;蹂躏;使荒废;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    They intended to devastate the town at one stroke.


  • 2、

    Devastate can crit and therefore generate added threat from the extra damage.


  • 3、

    The Lurker focuses on spies, cloaks and subterfuge to devastate opponents.

    潜行者专注于使用间谍, 掩饰,和诡计去摧毁敌人.

  • 4、

    The best plan is a broad plan, so that a failure devastate.

    最好的计划是(范围)广阔的计划, 这样,个别的挫折不至于使整个计划失败.

  • 5、

    Historically, governments feared opium because they saw it devastate China.

    回顾历史, 日本政府很怕鸦片,因为他们目睹鸦片如何毒害中国.

  • 6、

    Devastate deals damage to the target.


  • 7、

    Situations that would devastate others may be dealt with in constructive ways.


  • 8、

    Is there any reason at all to use Sunder Armor when you have Devastate?

    那么当我点出毁灭打击后,我还有必要使用破甲 吗 ?

  • 9、

    Does Devastate always generate more threat per rage point spent than Sunder Armor?


  • 10、

    This is the Weapon Damage component of Devastate for our example tank.


  • 11、

    Oil spills devastate the natural environment, endanger public health, imperil drinking water and disrupt the economy.

    石油泄漏破坏自然环境, 危害公众健康, 污染饮用水且扰乱经济.

  • 12、

    Not just for fish, anything else will finally devastate if they lead a lazy life.

    不只是鱼, 其它的人事物只要过得安逸,终将走上毁灭.

  • 13、

    The testing method used to figure out the innate threat of Devastate is described here.


  • 14、

    Devastate deals more damage ( and threat ) as your gear improves.


  • 15、

    The Maoists, however, have done more to devastate schooling.

    相对而言, 毛派份子对尼泊尔教育造成的伤害可能还是要大一些.

  • 16、

    Is Devastate necessary for any type of tanking?

    对于任何种类的坦克,毁灭打击都是必要的 吗 ?

  • 17、

    In what ways is Devastate better than Sunder Armor?


  • 18、

    Earthquakes can also cause tsunamis, which devastate coastal regions.

    地震还引发海啸, 它直接破坏海岸地区的人和物.

  • 19、

    Man's anger, blows woman's pit of the stomach, can devastate the towering big tree.

    男人的怒气, 吹进女人的心坎, 会摧残参天大树.

  • 20、

    We will never break, though they devastate, we shall motivate.

    我们永远不会打破, 但他们摧毁, 我们应鼓励.

  • 21、

    Any prolonged injury to Rooney or Saha , in particular , would devastate United.


  • 22、

    Corruption, organized crime, and terrorist activities threaten to devastate the process.

    贪污盛行 、 有组织的犯罪和恐怖组织行为对这一过程产生巨大的破坏力.

  • 23、

    Does Devastate generate more threat per hit than Sunder Armor?

    毁灭打击比破甲产生更多的威胁值 吗 ?

  • 24、

    What exactly happens when I hit the Devastate button?


  • 25、

    The Eclipse was also intended to devastate entire worlds.


  • 26、

    That's because an economic disaster can devastate families and communities just as a flood or tornado.


  • 27、

    This September I was invited to devastate the moors of a friend in the north.

