恶化,变坏( deteriorate的第三人称单数 );
With the increase of the nominal maximum aggregate size, the homogeneity of the asphalt mixture deteriorates.
随着公称最大集料粒径的增大, 沥青混合料均匀性变差.
互联网In condensation heat transfer process, the presence of non - condensable gas greatly deteriorates the heat transfer efficiency.
蒸汽冷凝传热中, 不凝气的存在将导致传热过程的严重恶化,所以研究不凝气对冷凝传热的影响,历来受到重视.
互联网Suggest why natural rubber readily deteriorates on prolonged exposure to air.
互联网Too often the significant episode deteriorates into sententious conversation.
互联网Memory slowly deteriorates with age.
互联网As the divergence between control rights and flow fights widens, corporate performance deteriorates.
随着两者分离程度的增加, 公司绩效将下降,并体现出递增的边际效应.
互联网Their health rapidly deteriorates and they would die if insulin were not given.
互联网Pollen never deteriorates. It is one of the few naturally secreted substances that last indefinitely.
互联网Influenced by interventions mainly coming from human beings , the rel atively dynamic balanced ecosystem deteriorates.
互联网The nerve excitability deteriorates.
互联网An exclusive drive for the highest salary deteriorates human relationships.
互联网My vision seems to deteriorates.
互联网Then, what creates the factor which Maya person deteriorates is?
那么, 造成玛雅人衰败的因素是什么 呢 ?
互联网The climbing partner should encourage, as well as give feedback if and when climbing technique deteriorates.
攀岩伙伴应该相互鼓励, 同时如果对方技术变形时,应该及时提醒.
互联网The high - temperature ductility deteriorates and intra - granular strength increases with an increases of dynamic precipitation of carbide.
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