
  • 释义
  • 亡命徒,暴徒;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    " Melly, I wouldn't have that old desperado in my house,'said Scarlett crossly.

    " 媚兰, 我是不愿意让这个老鬼待在我屋里, "思嘉气恼地说.

  • 2、

    Don't provoke me too far . My father started out as a desperado, nothing scares me.

    你别把我招翻了, 我爸爸是光棍出身, 我什么事都做得出来!

    ——汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
  • 3、

    I met a desperado at swordplay class.


  • 4、

    Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?


  • 5、

    Molly: I met a desperado cowboy at swordplay class.

    莫莉: 我在击剑课上认识了一个牛仔似的孤胆英雄.

  • 6、

    His films include: Zorro, The 13 th Warrior, Desperado and many more in Spain.

    他主演过的电影包括: 《佐罗》 、 《第十三个战士》 、 《孤胆英雄》和许多其它西班牙电影.

  • 7、

    This wolf is not a desperado, but a scoundrel.

    狼不是亡命徒, 而是恶棍!
